Sunday, January 22, 2023

Charlotte's 2040 Plan Explained

From the City of Charlotte:

The Charlotte 2040 Comprehensive Plan is a long-range vision to shape the future of the places where we live, work and play. The goal is to create thriving neighborhoods where all residents have access to opportunity.

Charlotte Future 2040 Plan is a comprehensive plan that really brings our citizens together to reimagine the future of Charlotte. 

The 2040 plan is important because, in the past, our city has been divided. Divided by red lining, by segregation, a process that was not inclusive. The 2040 plan is a way for us to correct some of those challenges in the past that have left people out and unable to rise in prosperity. 

It’s a way for our community to prioritize what’s important to us and how we want to see those things develop. For example, where do we want our parks? The type of transit we want? The type of businesses and housing we need? And it’s also a great way to talk about how you’d like to see your neighborhood develop. 

By participating in the 2040 plan, you can share your vision, your hopes for Charlotte’s future, as well as hold our city accountable for the future investments to make sure that all citizens have access to opportunity. 

You should care because your voice matters in this process. At the end of the day it’s about you and I coming together, discussing how we can solve the challenges that we face as a city. It starts today. 

Your city. Your plan. Your future. Learn how to get involved at

City of Charlotte
600 E. Fourth St.
Charlotte, N.C. 28202


Anonymous said...

Well that's total BS.

Anonymous said...

Why am I not shocked?