Friday, January 27, 2023

Piper Glen Master Association Gillespie Property Rezoning Notice

The following is the text of the Notice that was emailed to many Piper Glen Residents on January 27, 2023 

To: Piper Glen Residents

From: Piper Glen Master Association/ Rezoning Steering Committee

Re: Impacts of Gillespie Property Rezoning Petition

A petition has been submitted to rezone 55 acres between Rea Road and Elm Lane/between the PG Old Course neighborhood and the Four-mile Creek Greenway on Bevington Place. The petitioners want to change the current zoning from R-3 (Single Family Residential) to UR-2 (CD) (Urban Residential, Conditional, FEMA Floodplain). They propose building 1,100 rental

multi-family units in 4-to-6 story buildings. Included in the plans are an additional 100 single-
family attached rental units, plus assisted living/senior housing and nursing home. The plan
proposes a new road between Rea and Elm Lane for traffic entering and exiting this

See the attached Rezoning Notice from the city which includes a small map for this Rezoning

Petition #2022-121 RK Investments Charlotte NC

What does this mean to you?

This community and the committee do not object to land being developed. Charlotte is
growing and development is expected. We do not object to multi-family dwellings nor rental
units; they currently exist in our area. However, the current plan is unreasonable and will have
negative impacts on this community and those who live, work and commute through this
area. It is NOT only a concern for Piper Glen -- the broader area would be affected. Our major
concerns are:

• The number of additional units, people and vehicles, including delivery vehicles, 
service vehicles and visitors concentrated in this one area. And the impact it will 
have on the infrastructure and traffic. The entire Rea Road area is already heavily

• The height of the proposed structures – some could be as high as 75 feet.

• All 1,100 units being rental - the overall effect on the stability & the commitment to the

• The impact on the environment and increased flooding in the surrounding area.

What can you do?

• Learn more about the rezoning petition and the rezoning process by visiting or access the site through the City of Charlotte website

• Visit the Housing and Neighborhood Services website
Organization-Contact-List.aspx and register as a concerned community member.

• Prior to the Public Hearing which is tentatively scheduled for March 20, 2023, send a
letter or email to members of the Charlotte City Council. They have the final vote to
approve or deny rezoning requests. 

In the coming weeks the Committee will provide a suggested letter that you can use to contact City Council. We will also provide a complete list of all City Council members and their contact information at that time.

• Attend any community meetings that the Petitioner schedules. There will be multiple
Local Community meetings and we will advise where & when they are scheduled.

Please make every effort to attend. 

The most important is City Council Public Hearing *currently scheduled for March 20, 2023. 

Just being there shows that you care about this matter. If you wish to speak at this hearing, call the City Clerk’s office at 704-336-2248 on or before 1:00 pm on the day of the hearing.

*This public hearing can potentially be postponed to a later date, so stay informed.

The Piper Glen Steering Committee will provide updates to the Piper Glen Master
Association (PGMA) - comprised of presidents from each individual Piper Glen community.

For questions, please do not reply to this email, but reach out to your respective
HOA President.

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