Thursday, April 4, 2024

Update April 4, 2024

We are now less than 100 people away from 20,000 online signatures against the Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning.

The developer continues their threat of using "build by right" to destroy the trees and natural habitat of the last large green space in South Charlotte inside 485. They want everyone to know that the eagles Piper and Glen as well as their two eaglets are not protected, because the property is outside of the federal guideline of 600 feet. The Eagles are of course symbolic of the developer's complete disregard for nature, traffic, flooding, overcrowded schools and the quality of life we now enjoy in Piper Glen, Touchstone, Ivy Hall, White Oak, Challis Farms, Carson's Pond and many other nearby neighborhoods. So many neighbors have supported this effort to stand up against mindless greed and density saturation that I'm still moved to tears. We may not win but doing nothing was never an option. Thanks for listening. Ellie


Anonymous said...

20,000! Woooooo Hoooooo!

Anonymous said...

This may be the only developer sponsored petition defeated by just plain folks ever! Keep fighting for the wildlife and freedom from traffic gridlock.

Anonymous said...

Check out the Thomas guy on NextDoor he's hyperventilating like crazy

Anonymous said...

The zoning protects more wildlife than by right. It would be a shame to see so many trees go away under a by right zoning. Why does anyone think losing the buffers and pond would be better?