Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Observation Notes April 1, 2024

We are pleased once again to share with you this week's field notes from our eagle expert. While most of us enjoy watching these impressive beautiful birds, Bob's detailed and recorded observations serve as an important baseline to a more formal understanding of our eagles' behavior.

Photo Courtesy of Emilie Knight All Rights Reserved




LOCATION: Piper Glen Golf Club (Driving Range) 4300 Piper Glen Dr.

DATE OF VISIT: 04/01/2024

TIME OF VISIT: 12:10 - 2:10


Temperature: 78 F Wind (direction& speed): WSW12mph

Sky: Mostly Cloudy Precipitation: none

BAEAs PRESENT: Yes Number & Type: 4; 2 mature+ 2 eaglets


Food Deliveries: (Yes) No Eaglet(s) in Nest: (Yes) No

Eaglet Fledging: Yes (No)


As I arrived I saw Emilie’s car in the lot and spotted her down below

the dam. As I walked out onto the dam I could see the head of a mature

BAEA in the nest, which was unusual. I watched for a couple of minutes

and it appeared as though the adult was feeding the eaglets. I saw a

second adult BAEA fly to a perch a few trees down from the nest. I got to

Emilie’s spot where she had her camera set up on a tripod. She confirmed

that Glen was in the nest feeding the youngsters. She had seen him deliver

a good sized fish to the nest a while before. The feeding continued for

quite a while and then Glen left the nest and perched above it. Lots of

vocalizing by Glen. Emilie wanted to get a shot of Glen flying, so I walked a

short distance toward the nest and he left his perch. Unfortunately he flew

away from us and there was no photo opportunity. He flew to a perch

beyond the golf cart path and remained there. Emilie and I continued to

watch the eaglets which had gotten to the top of the nest. There was

much wing exercising by the eaglets. After a while I walked out toward

Glen’s perch and he flew on cue so Emilie could take a photo. At some

point Piper had left her perch unobserved. All remained quiet for the

remainder of the visit.

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