Thursday, April 18, 2024

Observation Notes April 15, 2024

We are pleased once again to share with you this week's field notes from our eagle expert. While most of us enjoy watching these impressive beautiful birds, Bob's detailed and recorded observations serve as an important baseline to a more formal understanding of our eagles' behavior.


OBSERVER: Bob Barrows

LOCATION: Piper Glen Golf Club (Driving Range) 4300 Piper Glen Dr.

DATE OF VISIT: 04/15/2024

TIME OF VISIT: 11:25-12:10


Temperature: 77 F 

Wind (direction & speed): SW 3mph

Sky: Sunny        

Precipitation: ——


Number & Type: 2 mature + 2  eaglets

BEHAVIORS OBSERVED: Territorial Defense: (Yes) No

Eaglet(s) in Nest: (Yes) No 

Eaglet Fledging: Yes (No)


As I walked from my car towards the dam a BAEA flew from the tree to the
right of the 18th hole peninsula. It flew to the nest area, but did not perch.
It did multiple flybys of the nest tree, chortling all the while. It flew off
towards the Gillespie property.

I walked down to the driving range area.

While there was no tournament, there were a number of golfers on the

With Piper and Glen absent, several crows thought it would be fun
to terrorize the eaglets.

An almost immediate defense of the nest was mounted by both parents and the crows were driven away. Both adult birds perched in a tree nearby the nest and remained there for the rest of my visit. Both eaglets showed themselves in the nest, but were not active.

They are big, black and beautiful. 

As I got to the top of the dam there were 25 turtle heads bobbing in the water. 


Anonymous said...

Awesome photo too bad the developer say they don't matter.

Anonymous said...

We’re so upset that this developer doesn’t give a hoot about our Eagles. So sad!! I guess money talks nobody walks is true!!

Anonymous said...

The developer offered to install at least a dozen nesting boxes on the Gillespie property what else do you bird people want? Give me a break!