Monday, June 10, 2024

Observation Notes June 3, 2024

We are pleased to share with you this week's field notes from our eagle expert. While most of us enjoy watching these impressive beautiful birds, Bob's detailed and recorded observations serve as an important baseline to a more formal understanding of our eagles' behavior.



OBSERVER: Bob Barrows

LOCATION: Piper Glen Golf Club (Driving Range) 4300 Piper Glen Dr

DATE OF VISIT: 06/03/2024

TIME OF VISIT: 9:52-10:27 AM


Temperature: 74 F 

Wind (direction& speed): SW 6 mph

Sky: Mostly cloudy Precipitation: ——


Number & Type: 1 mature + 1  juvenile


I walked out along the dam and observed an adult BAEA perched high above the reservoir opposite the clubhouse. This bird remained on that perch for the duration of my visit. As I walked I also observed a juvenile BAEA perched high above the small pond. When I got close to the end of the dam I heard and saw several crows harassing the juvenile which then flew off towards Rea Road. That bird did not return during my visit. 

I walked down to the driving range level and out to the nest tree. When I was returning I encountered two golfers on the driving range. They asked if I had seen any of the BAEAs and I told them what I had seen. 

One of the gentlemen then told me of his experience early (6:30 AM) Saturday morning. He and several other golfers were preparing for a tournament when they observed one mature and both juvenile BAEAs.

The mature bird was training the young birds to catch fish in the reservoir. They watched transfixed as the adult bird flew from its perch and swooped down to the reservoir surface with the juveniles imitating the adult.

All three BAEAs repeated this routine several times. I guess the timing of my visits has to change if I want to witness this type of behavior. 

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