Thursday, March 28, 2024

Let City Council and the Zoning Committee Hear From You

Our neighbors to the south in the Cady Lake, Stone Creek Ranch and Rea Farms area need your help. Apparently Charlotte City Council Member Ed Driggs is still not convinced that density saturation is bad for Charlotte and taxpayers have said Enough!

Let Charlotte City Council Members and the Zoning Committee hear your voice:

Dear [City Council Member or Zoning Committee Member]

I urge you to oppose rezoning petition 2023-046 on the Cato property on Tom Short Road in South Charlotte, with plans to build nearly 1,000 housing units  (682 apartments, 211 town homes and 24 single-family homes) in the middle of a our single-family neighborhood.  

This development will destroy the continuity of our community while increasing the density of this property by 300% over what was rezoned in 2004.  

The infrastructure in South Charlotte is already overwhelmed by the outsized development of multi-family rental apartments.  

With the large number of planned apartments and a new middle school, our neighborhood roads will be become dangerously congested with traffic, putting our children at risk and  further clogging main transit arteries.  We have no viable public transit options, issues with flooding, increasing crime, an overcrowded elementary school, and a continued lack of single-family homes available for potential homeowners.  

This property was approved in a 2004 conditional rezoning for 331 single-family homes and we believe that is what should remain in place.  

This development was opposed by all attendees at the Community Meeting in December and a petition opposing this rezoning has gathered over 3,100 community signatures.  

There are over 5,000 new apartments planned or under construction in the 28277 zip code, creating an increase of over 65,000 vehicle trips per day on already crowded roads.  

Our community doesn’t want further encroachment of commercial development from neighboring Rea Farms, and our community doesn’t need any more apartments.  

This rezoning request only results in financial benefit for the property owner and developer, all at the expense of the community and city, while further driving wealth inequality by reducing opportunities for residents to become home owners instead of renters. 

Please vote against this rezoning petition 2023-046.

Thank you 


[Your Name] 

Zoning Committee - Douglas Welton (Chairperson) - Terry Lansdell - Shana Neeley - Will Russell - Clayton Sealy - Rebekah Whilden - Fredrick Winiker

City Council - Vi Lyles - Dimple Ajmera (At Large) - LaWana Mayfield (At Large) - James Mitchell (At Large) - Victoria Watlington (At Large) - Tariq Bokhari (District 6) This is north of District 7 - Ed Driggs (District 7) This is our district representative - Dante Anderson (District 1) Mayor Pro Tem - Central Charlotte - Malcolm Graham (District 2) - Northwest Charlotte - Renee Johnson (District 4) - Northeast Charlotte - Marjorie Molina (District 5) - East Charlotte - Tiawana Brown (District 3) - West Charlotte


Anonymous said...

Sent to all listed.

Anonymous said...

I sent to Charlotte City Council this morning saw replies from 3 by noon. Nothing from the republicans.

Anonymous said...

So does this mean the "by right" that Ed Driggs was trying to scare everyone with is sort of a dead deal? Doesn't that like take 1/3 of the number of units out of the process?

Anonymous said...

This may be the first apartment request CLT CC has actually killed. That would be odd.

Anonymous said...

5:12 I'd not count on it. The city will just look the other way.