Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Observation Notes March 25, 2024

We are pleased once again to share with you this week's field notes from our eagle expert. While most of us enjoy watching these impressive beautiful birds, Bob's detailed and recorded observations serve as an important baseline to a more formal understanding of our eagles' behavior.

"It was a bit quiet at the nest. Post lunch nap for the eaglets? Both showed themselves, but in limited ways. One did not show itself until an hour had passed. Glen was on nest watch duty and Piper was away for this part of the afternoon. Notes attached. Interesting tidbit, when I walked back up from the lower level, a Red Shouldered Hawk had perched on my scope and remained there until I got within a few feet." - Bob 

Photo Courtesy Bob (All Rights Reserved)



March 25, 2024


LOCATION: Piper Glen Golf Club (Driving Range) 4300 Piper Glen Dr.

DATE OF VISIT: 03/25/2024

TIME OF VISIT: 2:20-3:345PM


Temperature: 57 F Wind (direction & speed): E @ 4mph (gusty)

Sky: partly sunny 

Precipitation: none


Number & Type: 3; 1 mature + 2 eaglets


Food Deliveries: Yes (No) 

Eaglet(s) in Nest: (Yes) No

Eaglet Fledging: Yes (No)

OBSERVATION NOTES (record every :15):

:15 From the parking lot a mature BAEA is visible perched above the

nest. I walked out onto the dam and set up my scope. Some

movement detected in the nest by one eaglet.

:30 With little action in the nest, I moved to the lower level and began

walking out towards the nest tree. When I was within 40 yards the

mature BAEA vocalized, left its perch and flew to a new perch

beyond the golf cart path. It is presumed that this is the male BAEA

Glen. Still very little activity in the nest.

:45 An eaglet raised itself to the top of the nest and began to exercise its


1:00 The second eaglet finally came to the top of the nest. I guess it had

been nap time.

1:15 Glen flew from his perch with much vocalizing. He flew over the

small pond, did a lap around the reservoir and flew off toward the

Gillespie property. After a while Glen flew back towards the nest and

perched in a tree close to the nest tree. Piper didn’t show up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing Bob's notes we met last year out at the dam. Certainly a nice and very knowledgeable bird watcher.