Sunday, March 17, 2024

Homeowners in south Charlotte concerned about impact of proposed development on environment, traffic

You may have watched Ed Driggs answer WCNC's questions yesterday regarding the Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning.

"The UDO allows by-right development there that would remove most of the trees and wouldn't require the same kind of traffic improvements that the petitioner is offering," Driggs said.

Is this statement factual? 


The petition already removes most of the trees, that is 70% of the trees. I doubt removing 88% will look any more shocking. The truth is no one will notice the difference because it is all bad. Until RK Investments actually lays out exactly what trees they are saving (something city staff keeps asking for) in each case (requested by the petition and by-right) this is all just talk. 70% in the petition or 88% by-right, either way most of the trees are gone.


The 7th Rezoning Transportation Analysis shows a Trip Generation of 4,005 VTD.

According to Drew Ritter ("If it were to come in by right. It would still require a traffic study under N1-A zoning. This is considering 400 DUs. TIS threshold is 1500 trips. 400 dwelling units would generate around 3600 trips." -  Now If they managed to develop to the full 477 allowed under the UDO that would generate 4,293 VTD. More than the 4,005 as illustrated in the seventh RTA.

Would the traffic study based on by-right make the same requirements? Perhaps no. But Ed Driggs' statement is an absolute "wouldn't require the same kind of traffic improvementswhich is rather disingenuous. A new traffic study could require additional improvements beyond those included in the petition since the VTD could be higher. So in truth Ed is correct, it wouldn't require that same kind of traffic improvements. But he's not telling you that by-right might actually require more. Also many of the current "traffic improvements" are actually nonsensical. I've already convinced city staff to strike the relocation of the Bevington Place streetside parking.

As I have said before the best traffic improvement would be 480 less garaged cars under the UDO by right.

Now just as with apartments allowed in N1-A (they are not) and the Willow Oaks Trees (Those north of the entrance are protected, those south have room for a sidewalk) I'm only looking for the truth.

Personally I want straight answers but Ed Driggs is not providing them. 

He is not providing them to WCNC, to me or to you.

Have a great weekend.

I hope to see you Uptown on Monday Night!

Chip Starr


Anonymous said...

You can't blame Ed Driggs he's just the messenger. But he's the messenger for the Developer RK Investments Charlotte.

Anonymous said...

Awesome work Chip. Why are facts so hard to come by? Why is Ed Driggs aways speaking in double talk. Could he shut up about how he opposed the UDO no one cares.

Anonymous said...

This have been really interesting how Ed Driggs crafts his words he is constantly equivocating and deflecting. His hubris is without equal of anything I've ever seen even in a politician.

Anonymous said...

Ed Driggs has done a ton for our community and Charlotte! He will make the right call on this one!

Tom @ RK Investors said...

With all due respect- The proposed plan is far better for the neighborhood and the environment. I do hope everyone will objectively look at the facts, accept they have been vetted by experts and see the benefit of what is proposed. This blog has a voice, as you know, but you are sharing and saying things without all of the information. Both US Fish and Wildlife and the Raptor Center have said our plan will not adversely impact the Eagles. Your traffic comments are incorrect and misleading, especially with comments from the City out of context. Your stated worry to us in person (as conveyed in the public meeting) was seeing the one apartment building from your house but you wouldn't be able to see them with the plan. Buffers and tree save have grown since then, lots of details have changed since then but you have not spoken to anyone on our team since that one meeting. There is a revision to the proposed rezoning that has been in the works with several very specific commitments, now preserving more than 30% of the trees, keeping the pond, keeping all of the traffic improvements, reducing density some more etc. Our proposed plan will far exceed the 50% canopy goal at build out. We are trying to work with folks because we know the by-right plan is not what is best for anyone, especially the neighborhood. Just FYI---What is shown tonight at Council is not the current point of negotiations, but in the next 30 days or so we will come to the final plan and it will be up to all to decide which you prefer. I hope we get a chance to talk about the real differences and the merits of each choice.

Anonymous said...

They just published the speaker list - why isn't Chip Starr out there standing up for his beliefs???? Seems fishy!

Anonymous said...

Dense Dense Dense! Charlotte citizens have spoken and they do not want the density you are proposing! They don’t like your plans. We the people have the right to express our concerns and fight for what we believe in. To come on here shows desperation. Let the people voice their opinions!

Anonymous said...

Dense dense dense! The people have spoken! They don’t like your high density plans at the expense of the eagles and the wildlife. To come on here and make a comment seems desperate!

Anonymous said...

Ed Driggs is a politician, he can’t help himself, it’s part of his DNA. When he says the county can’t make this area a park because of “other legal reasons”, what Are those legal reasons!!!!
All this destruction of trees along with the loss of wildlife, will have an effect on the ENVIRONMENT, AIR we breath !!!!
The community should form their own company to seized the property under “Humanity For Environment Eminent Domain”!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tom did you attend the meeting? Did you get any sense that what Ed Driggs said or that John Carmichael read to the group was received positively? No one wants this project and no one will regret it not being built once there is a no vote. Your proposal was read into the record that is the official proposal you want to propose something else great withdraw your petition and start over.

Anonymous said...

How is it that Drigg keeps getting elected?

Anonymous said...

Why does he give this feeling of being a fraud? His shirt even screams Bernie and I don't mean weekend at.

Anonymous said...

You really can't get much worse than Ed Driggs. Please someone run his ass out of town.

Anonymous said...

I'm a solid NO Dog!

Anonymous said...

How is this even a question? Who in city county government really thinks two dozen new apartment complexes will increase our quality of life? Who thinks the American Dream is to grow up pay taxes and live in an apartment complex? Who? No one that is who!