Sunday, March 17, 2024

Less Than 36 Hours to Save The Eagles!

Tomorrow - We Need Your Attendance & Support !!!!

Monday March 18th at 5:00 PM

At The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center

600 East 4th Street Charlotte, NC 28202

During this meeting City Staff will provide a brief summary of the Rea Road Gillespie Property rezoning request. The developer RK Investments Charlotte, LLC will then have 10 minutes to present their plan for the development of the property (a massive big box apartment complex) to Charlotte City Council and the Zoning Committee. After which we have only 10 minutes to speak in opposition. 

In honor of St. Patrick's Day and Charlotte's Trees we will be wearing GREEN.

This is our only chance to formally voice our concerns to Charlotte City Council.

Because our time is limited, what Charlotte City Council sees may be more important than what they hear, therefore it is imperative that we fill the Charlotte City Council chambers with people wearing the GREEN who care about our city and oppose this rezoning request.

We ask that you arrive early. Parking is provided at 232 S Davidson St Charlotte, NC 28202 directly across from the Government Center. 

We realize this is a big request the day after St. Patrick's Day and just as our Carolina Spring gets under way but three hours of your time is far better than a lifetime of regret if we don’t show Charlotte City Council our resolve and unwavering opposition to this project.

As of this morning we are 21,000+ signatures strong and now we need to show the Charlotte City Council that there are real people behind our petition.

Thank you for your continued support. 

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at 5:00 PM!!! 


Anonymous said...

You can't fault Driggs he's never made an honest statement in his life.

Anonymous said...

Stop Attacking Ed this is his last year in office he won't run it 2025. Also Leave Britney Alone!

Anonymous said...

Every time Ed Drigg opens his yap lies come out. Scary "by right" why does he keep saying that?