Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Can They Build an Apartment Complex on The Rea Road Gillespie Property?

Seems like a simple question but Ed Driggs can't give you a straight answer.

Even as far back as his community "coffee" last April Ed Driggs was apparently telling people that "the UDO makes no distinction between owned homes and rentals" whenever asked if apartments on the Rea Road Gillespie Property where prohibited under the current zoning.

Ed Driggs has used this ploy to deflect and obfuscate often. Is he being truthful?

To be clear in N1-A (As Currently Zoned) Apartments complexes are not allowed. 

But let's hear it from the City of Charlotte's John Kinley:

"N1-A zoning allows for single family, duplex, triplex dwellings on individual lots by right. Quadraplexes on individual lots are permitted under prescribed conditions (see 15.4 GG. Of the UDO) https://read.charlotteudo.org/articles/article-15-use-regulations/#null " 


"The UDO/Zoning does not dictate whether dwellings are rented or owned."


"Multi-family dwellings (more than 4 units in a building) and multi-dwelling developments (multiple dwellings on one a lot) are not permitted in N1-A zoning."


"The developer is requesting rezoning to allow them to develop a mix of residential dwelling types, including multi-family dwellings and a multi-dwelling development.  The requested UR-2 zoning is a pre-UDO zoning district that accommodates developments with a mix of housing types."  


John Kinley

Senior Project Manager, Land Development Division+Zoning/UDO Administration

Planning, Design & Development
600 East 4th Street | 8th Floor| Charlotte, NC 28202
(704) 336-8311 | john.kinley@charlottenc.gov | Zoning Administration | charlottenc.gov/planning

So, it is true that the UDO does not restrict or differentiate between owned homes and homes that are rented. 

Therefore RK Investments Charlotte LLC can 'by right" build homes, condos, townhomes, duplexes, triplexes and even some quadruplexes on the Gillespie Property and rent them out.

But they also can not build an apartment complex which is the question often asked of Ed Driggs. It is also what they have proposed and why they need the property rezoned. 

The reason? In my opinion this is all that RK knows how to build. This is perhaps why they haven't come back with a scaled down plan with attractive townhomes. I suspect the townhomes if any will be built by a different builder/developer after they complete their big box apartment buildings.

As an example this building above. Super nice attractive and totally ill-suited for suburban Charlotte. Great in SouthEnd or NoDa but ridiculous in Piper Glen. 

Which brings us back to Ed Driggs. Why does he only give part of the answer? Why won't he say N1-A prohibits apartment complexes?


Funny Stuff Someone claiming to be from RK messaged Ellie McIntire telling her "I just don't think you understand" something she's witnessed Ed Driggs tell women dozens of times over the last year. Its condescending and dismissive. Not smart. Definitely Not Smart.


Anonymous said...

Wrong, we have some beautiful architecture for those towns. Really high-end stuff by Cline Design for the proposed plan and we have spoken to two contractors about building it. Again, why put this misinformation out there? Be part of the conversation, not just someone throwing stones. Obviously we cannot build an apartment complex in N1, Ed never said we could, nor did we. We will, however, be building an entirely different plan with rentals if by-right. I really hope you stop and think about this some more. Be part of the discussion and not just some internet bully. Maybe you do not know the real facts about what has been offered and what is really possible by-right. I shared a message with your wife on Nextdoor just now too, just FYI.

Anonymous said...

Ed Driggs is a weasel anyone who thinks otherwise is obviously in on the payoff.

Anonymous said...

You need to get up and speak! You owe it to your neighbors to not hide behind your keyboard!

Anonymous said...

No one in their right mind is going to approve apartments at that location. Traffic is insane enough.

Anonymous said...

Traffic will be more insane if they build by-right and none of the offered improvements happen.
Best case here someone at the County buys it as preserve.

What happens to the trees on Rea?

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with apartments? Come on people!

Apartments are great!

Do a crime search in 28277 and pick any time frame and you will see that Apartments are a crime magnet because they attract crime like cockroaches so that the crime stays away from your home!

People need housing like those you don't want living in your home like your brother in-law just out of prison for rape. Wouldn't you rather have him living in an apartment than bunking with your teenage daughter at your house?

What about fast food workers? They need a place nearby so they can flip your burgers and these apartments would be great. Sure they are a little pricey now but wait a year or two and they will be a ghetto cheap due to the massive glut of Apartments Charlotte will see just about the time they get the first CO.

Come on Y'all share the love and your wallet.

Anonymous said...

I love that this comment ^^^ made it past the moderator. That says a lot. I do not know about you, but I lived in an apartment in south Charlotte before I first got a house. Met my wife while living there, saved, bought a place a couple years later.
Perhaps this audience is all trust fund kids and did not have to work their way up to a house in Piper and bravo for you, but this comment is offensive.

Anonymous said...

Why are you all against Ed Driggs, he's doing the right thing here.

Anonymous said...

Why are we all against Ed Drigg maybe because he is dishonest?

Anonymous said...

Wow 4:53 thats some twisted humor. Well say what you like about apartments they are the way of the future. Look around all that Charlotte is building is apartments and what homes there are for sale are being bought up by corporations. Get used to it. Gov\Co needs to own your home so they can control you. Duke Energy already knows what time you get up what time you go to bed. They even know what you and your wife did last night under the sheets and when.

Charlotte City Council is just making the process easy. Once they own your home they can control your life. They already control your income, you bank accounts, your credit cards. Soon they will monitor your driving where you go how fast you drive they will know that you ran over you neighbors cat and will bill you for the clean up. Why do you think Pat McCrory agreed to those express lanes?

Anonymous said...

Ed is owned by the developers everyone knows that just check his campaign records. https://cf.ncsbe.gov/CFOrgLkup/DocumentGeneralResult/?SID=MEC-68T672-C-001&OGID=35927

Anonymous said...

Let me be clear Ed Driggs is the worst I've ever known as a Charlotte City Council Member. If you are voting for him or heaven forbid supporting him you are going to be stunned when the facts emerge. He is so far up this developer's ass he can tell you what the RK guys had for dinner last night. His last email is so conflicted and full of double speak he makes Kamala Harris look intelligent. Please someone primary him next year.

Anonymous said...

I've always thought apartments were under commercial property. Anyone else think that?

Anonymous said...

The developer's goons are still at I see. I have no idea who Mike and Thomas are but they are just a couple of thugs.