Thursday, March 14, 2024

Mecklenburg Audubon Society Letter to Mayor Lyles and City Council


Dear Mayor Lyles; Dear Members of the City Council:

The Mecklenburg Audubon Society wrote to City Council last year to express our opposition to Rezoning Petition 2022-121, by RK Investments Charlotte LLC, which seeks to modify 53.07 acres of land currently zoned as Single-family District (R-3) to an Urban Residential District (UR-2(CD)). We understand the Petition will be heard during the City Council Zoning Meeting scheduled for Monday, March 18. We write again to reiterate our opposition to this Petition.

Mecklenburg Audubon Society began in 1937 as the Mecklenburg Audubon Club and became the first official North Carolina chapter of National Audubon Society in 1970. Our members are committed to the appreciation, protection, and preservation of birds and other wildlife through inclusive, community-based education and conservation activities.

Our organization’s reasons for opposing Rezoning Petition 2022-121 center on the protection of the birds and wildlife currently living and thriving in this area. We also want to remind you of the ongoing need to provide affordable housing options, well-functioning government services and infrastructure, and high environmental quality. We believe this rezoning petition meets none of these needs. Our specific concerns include the following:

· The property in question sits near the Four-Mile Creek greenway, which is widely used by walkers, runners, bicyclists, and our members, as they search for resident and migratory birds. The area is rich in bird life and other wildlife precisely because the greenway is surrounded by undeveloped or minimally developed land, wetlands, and an impressive tree canopy.

· This land supports a nesting site for our national bird the American Bald Eagle and many other species of nesting birds, including pileated woodpeckers, red-bellied woodpeckers, and red-shouldered hawks, as well as breeding migratory birds, such as scarlet tanagers, prothonotary warblers, and ruby-throated hummingbirds. As birds are currently migrating to their summer breeding habitat, it is estimated that over 850,000 birds pass through Mecklenburg County on a single night during peak migration. These birds need land such as the property in question in order to feed, find water, and rest before they continue their journeys.

· We recognize that Charlotte has an acute affordable housing shortage, but this rezoning proposal does nothing to address the lack of affordable housing. We urge you to focus on affordable housing needs as a priority, and to therefore reject this rezoning proposal as failing to meet those needs.

 · The Charlotte Tree Ordinance emphasizes the importance of Charlottes tree canopy for maintaining air quality, minimizing increases in temperature via tree cover, preventing soil erosion, and managing stormwater drainage problems, among many other aims. We share the city’s urgent need to protect and enhance Charlottes tree canopy, and we caution you to keep in mind the goals of the Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan (particularly Goal 7: Integrated Natural and Built Environments) as you consider this rezoning petition. Given the propensity of this area to flood after heavy rains, further destruction of existing protections will only exacerbate these and other environmental risks in the area.

· We urge you to ensure that a thorough assessment is conducted as to how the significant expansion of residential units in this area will impact the ability of emergency services to reach and react to the demands of an additional 642 housing units in this densely populated area.

There is no clear justification for allowing a rezoning petition that will not further any of the most urgent needs of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County community. This petition will not expand the availability of affordable housing, it will not improve the livability of this city, and it will not address ongoing environmental and climate-change concerns.

The Mecklenburg Audubon Society invites you to join us on a bird walk along the Four Mile Creek Greenway, so you can experience first-hand the incredible bird life and other natural wonders in this area. We encourage you to contact us if we can provide any additional details, and we hope you will allow us to address the Council before you consider a vote on this Rezoning Petition 2022-121.

Larry J. Leamy
Mecklenburg Audubon Society
Charlotte, NC

Wednesday March 13, 2024 via: email only.

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