Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Charlotte Residents Speak Up! But is Charlotte City Council Listening?


"I ride this trail and hate traffic."

Wendy Segreti

 "Charlotte needs affordable housing and to maintain its tree canopy. This development accomplishes neither."

Kelsey Foxon


"Completely agree. It will be a complete disruption of an already delicate ecosystem. These animals will have nowhere to go.  Not to mention the incredible toll on public infrastructure such as healthcare/hospitals, schools, traffic, parking, etc."

Danay Houser


"More thought needs to be given to impact on roads, schools, lack of access to public transportation that works, in fact, infrastructure in general rather than allowing city planners to let developers build anywhere and everywhere with little or no regards to these important issues."

Joan Rudie




"The environmental impact of removing this wildlife area is concerning. This area is biodiverse and offers shelter to the natural that we all need around us to live fulfilling lives."





Michaelann Carlin

You can view the rest of the comments here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remind me, wasn't your home/lot farmland before a developer made a subdivision? Quality development benefits everyone. The prooosed plan balances competing interests successfully. Who is going to fix traffic problems if not the developer? We have been waiting and traffic just gets worse.