Charlotte Residents Speak Up! But is Charlotte City Council Listening?


"I ride this trail and hate traffic."

Wendy Segreti

 "Charlotte needs affordable housing and to maintain its tree canopy. This development accomplishes neither."

Kelsey Foxon


"Completely agree. It will be a complete disruption of an already delicate ecosystem. These animals will have nowhere to go.  Not to mention the incredible toll on public infrastructure such as healthcare/hospitals, schools, traffic, parking, etc."

Danay Houser


"More thought needs to be given to impact on roads, schools, lack of access to public transportation that works, in fact, infrastructure in general rather than allowing city planners to let developers build anywhere and everywhere with little or no regards to these important issues."

Joan Rudie




"The environmental impact of removing this wildlife area is concerning. This area is biodiverse and offers shelter to the natural that we all need around us to live fulfilling lives."





Michaelann Carlin


"This development will NOT contribute to more affordable housing in our area. It is simply a way by which the builder can maximize profit while minimizing input from the surrounding communities. This development will overwhelm current city and county services and the builder will have no investment in the lasting infrastructure that will be needed to support this development. We are privileged to have a pair of bald eagles living here. They are symbolic of our nation that is both for the people and by the people. Please stand with the people of our community against this development and changes to local zoning for this property."

Kelly Price



"Theresa Keller well said and well written!"

Theresa Keller


"We need to stop the overgrowth in support of our wildlife and what little natural areas we have left.  Not to mention the traffic"

Kim Thompson


"Wildlife is at risk as well as any remaining space and we do not need more apartments - replace existing ones with high rise if needed but do not take more green space"

Patricia Howe


"Too many homes wedged into any open space without the infrastructure to support!"

Carole Meisel







"We are crowding out our wildlife, which is a darn shame! The city of Charlotte is proud of its tree canopy and "greenness", but that is rapidly going away day by day. How can the city continue to speak about how proud they are of this when they continue to approve more development?"








John Reiter


"The traffic in this area is already an issue, plus the schools are beyond full before adding 1,100 more families to the mix.  Not to mention the impact construction would have on the nearby wetlands and creek. There is a mated pair of American eagles that have nested on the edge of this property for over 15 years. There are many more areas much better suited to handle this development. Just because a builder can propose the development doesn't mean it should be done. Once this land is razed, cleared and grated there's no way to go back and fix the problems created."

Laura Ditrich

"I think the eagles need a place to live and not be disturbed not to mention the other wild animals who make their home in this beautiful location. Please do not take the last remaining safe place from them."

S Bartel


"Please for anyone on the voting council who reads - let’s be sensible. The Shops at Piper Glen is already at max capacity at all times, even 3pm on a Tuesday. The 2-lane tree lined charm of Rea Rd would inevitably be at jeopardy because our roads wouldn’t be able to handle this additional demand. This isn’t about us in a neighborhood being snobby, it’s about us knowing the irreversible consequences this mistake would cause. Please reject this rezoning request. Thanks."

Gary Morrison


"City leaders need to value the people and property owners who live here and voted for them. Respect established zoning promises to the people who bought into that area). Protect the area wetlands and home to special wildlife."

Scott Dawson



"To protect green space!!! Protect wildlife!"



Brenda Putnam


"It will create a traffic nightmare, anyone who travels on Rea Road & Elm Lane knows this."

Shannon Martin


"Irresponsible. Wetland, habitat, Charlotte’s urban canopy, green space, lack of infrastructure to support additional multi-family housing and traffic, the irresponsible footprint of developers who will certainly only be thinking of $$$."

Katie Guelzow


"The area is already getting congested and there are no plans to expand the current infrastructure for this rezoning. This will also greatly impact wildlife in the area. City Council should represent its constituents, not the developers that fund their campaigns."

Sid Patel


"We need to preserve some wetlands."


Darrel Glankler

"This development would have a devastating impact on an already overdeveloped area. Developers make their money and then move on...with little to no concern about the communities affected."

Michael Burnett


"South Charlotte doesn't need yet another environmentally destructive, unnecessary housing project, built with no real intent, or purpose, other than to increase the city's property taxes' coffer, when the city does not have the CURRENT infrastructure, or services, to support housing that is ALREADY in existence!"

SL Kite


"To protect green space and Protect wildlife!"

Monika Arora




"Our aging power grid cannot handle 1100 new units. This area experienced widespread blackouts lasting several hours during the holidays because Duke Energy could not keep up with demand. The Greenway parking lot is at maximum capacity on a daily basis. City Council should focus on improving infrastructure and quality of life for the residents who already live here rather than destroying the delicate ecosystem and further taxing already overburdened resources."

Danay Houser


"Bald Eagles, Wildlife and Greenspace are more important in this already crowded area than more commercial development and worse traffic congestion."

Judd Pellow


"Unbridled growth will be the end of our beautiful, green city.  Don't do this, please think far into the future by preserving rookeries, wild spaces, and wetlands."

AP Bergwall

"This would be bad news for the entire area, not only affecting wildlife but also clogging up the area along Highway 51, with more traffic than the roads can bear. We live in Ivy Hall, a small community of 57 homes along Elm Lane. Even now it is difficult to turn out of our neighborhood due to heavy traffic. If approved, this construction will be a nightmare and unwelcome from everyone in the close by area."

Glenn Ostle


"South Charlotte doesn’t need Another housing development! I love seeing wildlife and if you keep on there will be no attraction, no peace in this area!"

Kim Atkinson


"We need to allow the wildlife present to remain rather than increase traffic in the area."

Brady Drummond-Ryan


"This area has a HUGE wildlife population. It would be horrible for them to lose their homes plus it will be reducing our tree canopy.  I vote NO because the animals cannot vote for themselves!!"

Michelle Beck

"Rea road is busy enough without any more changes!"

Anne Dickinson


"RK Investors MUST be stopped from this development!  The decline in habitats for wildlife in Mecklenburg County is alarming and the very area RK Investors wants to develop is crucial to the survival of SO many of God's creatures as well as providing oxygen rich air for the city of Charlotte.  Preserving this area for wildlife is also a great opportunity for Charlotte citizens to learn about the environment, about ecosystems, and how to protect something important for our welfare."

Diane Thornton


"Save our open space"


Danielle Albetta


"No for Rea Road"


Girma Adugna



 "As a resident of Piper Glen for more than 20 years, I have seen firsthand what growth south of 485 has caused to our infrastructure - damage to our roads and safety caused by excessive unchecked speeding down Rea Road. Considering additional growth in an area that has served as a sanctuary to this area is a travesty -- the impact detrimental to the environment and infrastructure."








 Sheryl Kursar


"This is outrageous on so many levels, environmental, traffic, human health and wellbeing and multitude of aspects."

Kim Hombs


"This area needs wildlife protection being close to 4-mile creek. We are seeing an increase of deer population and deaf animals all over because developers took their habitat."


Sardha Miller


"Sick and tired of clear cutting in this city, massacring all wildlife, and adding high density to areas already unable to accommodate safely."

Ilana Martin


"The wildlife habitat needs to be protected! The property needs to stay as is …."




Barbara Goodman



"Charlotte's growth has already destroyed too much wildlife habitat."

M L Greene


"I enjoying walking in the area and have observed the eagles that make their home in the area."

Grace Sunstrom


"I believe that this project will have a very negative impact on the entire Piper Glen area."

Rich Shaeffer


"We don’t want the density to change in this area due to the eagle nature conservation designation the Piper Glen golf course has the traffic this project would have on the already over congested single lane Elm Road, Ballantyne Commons, Rea Road and RT 51 would be atrocious."

Marsha Prime


"I want to keep our neighborhood naturally beautiful!"


MaryJane Burgoon

"1. Infrastructure along Elm Lane is NOT capable of accommodating  the high residencey & traffic capacity required for such zoning. The area's current lack of sewer & effective drainage, dangerous curves & lack of shoulders & guardrails (which have all gone ignored by local government for DECADES) will exponentially cause more personal risk to drivers, bicyclists & pedestrians than already exists. 2. Additional water runoff generated by new parking lots and structures on this property and at this elevation will guarantee this portion of the McMullen Creek Greenway will stay flooded and underwater much more than it does currently. 3. The wildlife here adds quality to living, and is precious, rare, & already at high risk."

Janet Saunders


"Charlotte is growing too quickly!"


Margaret Lawrence


"Traffic congestion already overloaded"


Guy Wilson

"Charlotte City Council has to stop approving all these developments. We're full. We need infrastructure as well as respect for families that understand that kids need yards to play in, not just parks. Families need privacy not neighbors piled on top of neighbors like lab rats. People want to move here for a higher standard of living, but all this development is lowering it by the day."

Kimberly Helms


"Trying to stop the “money grabbers”. Also does anyone know the impact on the already overcrowded schools, traffic, and lack of green space to produce a healthy environment (ie oxygen).  Probably will be one of the worst decisions this inept group could make.  Governing bodies do not seem to care about the avenge citizens. If they did they would be more concerned about making sure our children are in a safe place each day as well as making sure that our children are prepared to live in the world. You have failed those that you represent.  My opinion! Vote No for this proposal."

Catherine R. Roberts

"The area cannot handle that many new residents"

Dana Timchenko


"Nature and humanity have to have each other for survival! Stop this madness and save our precious world."

Cindy Parsons


"I want to preserve the natural area and protect the animals that live there."

Kyle Brown


"This irresponsible constant housing building without expanding public transit is not doing charlotte any favors."

Genea Swan


"This area, for both humans and wildlife, is already adversely impacted by the insurmountable growth. Nature and wildlife is disappearing from Charlotte and becoming an unattractive hard scape to appease the hungry pockets of politicians and developers. Our area cannot continue to suffer the growing pains that are being ignored while our property taxes soar."

Heather Cavan

"It's time the city start listening to those who elected them and stop taking handouts from developers."

Juliann Cunningham


"The toll on wildlife would be horrendous and hugely irresponsible! Don’t think we don’t know the council members in the developer’s pocket!! That’s the only way this would happen- it makes absolutely no sense to destroy the little bit of natural area left and to put such stress on roads, traffic, schools and medical resources is insane. We’re watching this and you closely."

Sharon Summers


"This is a human issue; that needs more work and fact checking"


Ani Zee


"Steve Regele. I do not want to see a developer destroy this natural habitat so close to a greenway. Why not instead develop a park on a portion of this 53-Acre parcel and leave the balance as a natural habitat for wildlife."

Steve Regele



"Because I care so much about displaced animals and our environment. Please consider all angles when making these incredibly impactful decisions. Thank you"







Julie Hall

“Saving the Eagles!”

Erin Grace


"The traffic is already more than the current roads can accommodate, schools are overcrowded NOW and wildlife continues to be pushed out!"

Shelley Bobay


"Save the eagles"


Jacy shaffer


"We were once the city of trees. Let's please keep some of them and the wildlife that comes with it."

Adam Gill


"Too much traffic already"


Anthony Dinapoli

"Too much traffic, additional road noise, wear and tear on streets that are already in need of resurfacing. Same some remaining wildlife for animals, peace, and vegetation. Save the eagles and all other natural ponds, creeks. This entire city is becoming a parking lot, and this will add hundreds of cars, trucks and all the construction equipment and add more chaos to the already well-developed area as it is. Elm lane is only a 2-lane road and its crazy crowded now!!"

Jim McDaid





"What a disaster this would be. We do not have the infrastructure to add more population to an already burdened, overgrown city resources and traffic that is already overwhelmed with too many cars. Plus there is the loss of wildlife habitat that can never be replaced and that is already suffering from over-development. Third, the people who bought these homes did so with the trust that they wouldn’t be overwhelmed with apartments. This is bad for the people of South Charlotte and for its indigenous wildlife. At some point, the people have to say enough and stand up for themselves and the ecosystem!"















 Elaine Alexander


"Charlotte has lost just about all of its beautiful green canopy, please let’s save what we can and have left!!"


Kim Schineller


"This location is inappropriate for development."


Crystal Hall

"This parcel of land is a natural treasure.  Overdevelopment is taking place at an insane pace in many areas of Charlotte, causing environmental destruction that can never be undone.  In this rezoning case City Council can and should do the right thing."

Aaron Newlander




Ashley Allen


"The growth in this city has reached the insanity level, people are literally killing themselves on our highways every day!!  Some cities experiencing our growth have demanded that these real estate investors set aside a percentage for affordable housing, contributing to infrastructure and education!!  We the people are going to hold these elected officials accountable!!"

Everleen Richardson

"I'm signing because since I moved here 30 years ago, I've watched Charlotte change from a beautiful tree-lined city to a concrete, over-crowded, traffic mess. I'm tired of seeing dead animals on the side of the road...apartment buildings and cheap housing projects crammed in unbelievably small lots... homeless people at every intersection...crime waves in what were once " safe" neighborhoods. All of this construction is forcing people to move farther and farther away- but when will it stop? Now whenever I see at a patch of land that has a few trees left on it, I think to myself " Well, your days are numbered". Everyone is so worried about global warming- why can't you see that we are killing ourselves and the environment by cutting down our source of oxygen? I used to love Charlotte but now I don't. I can't wait to retire and get out of here."

Lura Teeter

"This is a wildlife habitat. Our marsh is an area we can’t use (White Oak HOA) and supports the local animals. All we are asking is this property be developed for a low-density neighborhood with single family homes. Not for high density housing."

Steve Pepper


"This area of town is already suffering from poor city planning. Overcrowded schools, slow emergency medical response, slow police response, heavy traffic and diminished green space for natural animal habitats are the direct consequences of this poor planning."


Sheila Baker


"What will our future generations say?  “I’m glad we have more apartments, and condos”. Or will they say “thank God for Mecklenburg County protecting one of the largest undeveloped sections left inside the 485 loop”. For our future we need to preserve as much of our ecosystem as we can. Just because we can doesn’t mean we should. Let’s do the right and turn down the money hungry investor from destroying one of the last remaining undeveloped areas."

Braedon Shelton

"We don't need to destroy this area with that kind of development You won't be able to get onto Elm Lane."

John Burghart


"I am appalled at the disregard for infrastructure and wildlife safety. Development is out of control here and the 2040 plan is the decree for greed."

Jane Francisco


"We have GOT to stop development at some point in this city!!  We are KILLING all the wildlife and trees.  It makes me sad.  This is not the same city I moved to 30+ years ago.  Moreover, we do not have the infrastructure to sustain this continued growth!!"

Sharon Ayers


"Too much development leads to too much loss of wildlife. We need to honor wildlife instead of always knocking it down"

Cathy Moran






"Too many apts already.  Schools and roads are a mess from overcrowding.   One of the drawing cards to Charlotte was so many natural areas.  No more.  Becoming a small NY City.  Please care for the residents once instead of the money"










Lynne Mayor


"The wetlands/Greenway and it's wildlife should be preserved"


Cheryl Smith


"I live in Charlotte. We need these eagles to remind us why life is good. We don’t need more people here—it’s gotten overcrowded, and we don’t have the infrastructure to support a higher population and more cars. Let’s choose the eagles!"

Mary Tuma


"Urban sprawl is ruining my hometown. It’s just greedy and disgusting."

Susan Clark







"There is way too much building of apartments, condos and all other venues!  You are destroying any and all WILDLIFE!!!  It seems that nothing matters in this city anymore EXCEPT MONEY !! You have torn down every piece of history this city has ever had.  You all just see how much you can put in YOUR POCKETS !! SHAME ON EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU !!!"












Rose Cullingford


"This and all the greenways in Charlotte are important to us.  As the city gives way to developers in every nook and cranny, spaces like this, that allow nature to breathe, and allow people to breathe, to enjoy nature, are essential. And after all the tax money that's gone into this, the idea of destroying this environment to build apartments is ridiculous, unfair and maddening!  DO NOT REZONE THIS AREA! Please leave it as it is so we can continue to enjoy it."

Susan Orrell

"The mongrel hordes of construction equipment have invaded Mecklenburg County, and they tear up everything in their path.  I've never seen such destruction.  Plus, our wildlife is suffering, all for the sake of a buck in someone else's pocket.  This has to stop.  Leave the Gillespie property alone."

Pamela Overby


"Charlotte has enough luxury high rises and unaffordable housing, we don't need more. Preserve wildlife so Charlotte can continue to be the green, beautiful city that attracts people from around the world!"

Katherine Bennett


"Charlotte's wildlife is already running out of space. Not another multi-family monstrosity!"

Loretta Summers


"City Council needs to do the right thing."

Deborah Edwards


"Wetland preservation"


Peter Minor




"I live in this area, and one of the reasons I bought here was because of the old growth trees, the wildlife, and the lack of density. It is infuriating that this is even being considered."







Amanda Cooks


"We desperately need green spaces in our county   Please, City Council and Co. Commissioners, work together to make this happen."

Nancy Nicholson


"The preservation of wildlife and natural areas is vital. I only hope the powers that be recognize the importance of these ever-shrinking resources and will act to do the right thing."

Dawn Glover


"Insane density creates chaos!"


Phil Hensley


"Charlotte is losing too many open spaces for our famous tree canopy and wildlife. This is for our own fresh air breathing, which Charlotte is known for it Poor quality air! Let’s make this a better city, by saving what’s already good!"

Janet Barnes

"Don’t forget to add in bike riders along Elm Lane to the mix and dangerous bag!"

M. Gravender


"Does someone know how to post this to NextDoor"


Civil McGowan


"Over development is ruining our community and endangers wildlife"


Christina Walsh-Davis


"We need to protect our wildlife. Plus, that is a two-lane road and we don't need to put more cars on it."


Doris Groce


"Save the Eagles, stop the growth"


Cheryl Butera


"The proposed project will not only totally change the character of the greater neighborhood, but it will do so in many ways with bad unintended consequences while satisfying the greedy few who stand to profit at the expense of many."

Robert Jordan


"We need more natural areas in the city if we want to fight global warming."


Johannes Swanepoel


I love the creek and nature. This walk is amazing"



John J Clark


"The area is best now. Why jeopardize a successful community and a successful wildlife area?"

Danya Hawley


"Would be obnoxious to have high density housing there"


Ross Mandell


"I believe in what it stands for!"


Catherine Long


"Green areas should be protected. This is a precious ecosystem that should not be disturbed"


Marion Betancourt-Albrecht


"Protection of wildlife in this wetland area."

Wendy Petricoff


"It would also change the value and make the drive on that road less enjoyable."


Maelin bhatt


"Animals are running out of space to live in Charlotte, and I’ve seen eagles, hawks, herons, deer, squirrels, turtles, and fish there! So many animals will lose their home, and it will kill the trees!"

Maelin Bhatt

"Eagles matter"

Heather Walton


"We need nature to survive. The earth doesn’t need us but we need the earth."

Jessica Bruno


"The birds are one of the coolest things in our neighborhood."

Flori Fisher


"I’m against zoning. I care for my neighborhood as much as the wildlife."

Chloe Doust


"Tired of reckless building without consideration of wildlife or residents"


Julie Teal


"I’m signing because we are losing all the green spaces in Charlotte!"

Cathy Sylva


"We need to preserve more natural habitats."


Rosanne Bates


"Enough concrete already! Loss of trees, loss of habitat for wildlife, over crowded streets, roads and highways."


Andrea Baker

"I love the area, nature and wildlife. Our city cannot house 1,000 apartments, the roads are cluttered, schools are overwhelmed and there are more areas suitable for development further south. Please stop this."

Cindy Barrera


"Eagles are Federally protected. VOTE NO ON THE REA ROAD REZONING!!"

Jennie Munyan


"Many reasons. The wildlife and save the eagles top the list."

Laraine Ericson


"We don’t need more noise pollution."


Derek Sexton


"This area’s characteristics mean that going forward with a Rea Road/Elm Rezoning will create a very disjointed appearance, and even more troubling, the footprint of going from 45 homes to over a thousand multi-units- - the traffic congestion, City waste and recycling burdens, the creation of more impervious areas for parking to accommodate the multi units, and more, in a very tight space.  Thank you"

Dina Kim

"I feel very strongly about preserving this area.  PLEASE VOTE NO."

Phylis St​.​Clair


"I want to protect the greenway"


Jill Perry


"Elimination of wildlife and green space, lack of infrastructure to handle increased traffic/density, poor plan for this area."

Deborah Williams


"Green space is more important to our city."


Stephen Brady

"*The wildlife in this area includes beavers, coyotes, an abundance of deer, racoons, opossums, hawks, and owls large and small, who have adapted to the incursion of suburbia admirably. The 18 acres of wetlands immediately adjacent to the property that often serves as a rookery to both Snowy Egrets and Great Blue Herons, would be adversely impacted by the hardscape surface water runoff from the development. It is of utmost concern that a pair of American Bald Eagles who have called Piper Glen home for the last two decades are also in jeopardy, as the development will come within 900 feet of their nest, they have maintained for 16 years or more and will destroy a large portion of their natural habitat. *I live in a nearby neighborhood and the addition of townhomes will cause too much traffic in an already congested traffic area."

Laurie Miner


"It’s the right thing to do"


Cindy Bradley


"It's the right thing to do!"


Stacy Erickson

"We don’t need more building we are at full capacity"

Heather Rusin


"I believe this land should be left to the wildlife and that the proposed development would create huge traffic issues."

Stephanie Caston


"City Council please do as your constituency demands. Vote No. I feel strongly about preserving this area….I believe this land should be left to the wildlife.    Vote no."


Joe Ellen


"I'm a teacher in that zone"

Susan Neate


"We need to protect wildlife and it’s unnecessary to have more development in this area so near the greenway, particularly"

Cindy Alvarez


"Eagles over rezoning!!!!!!!!"




"Too many people are moving to Charlotte! And this land is needed for wildlife! This developer is about Pure greed!"

Dana Page


"No more development in South Charlotte!"



Lori Hooper


"I love the greenway, nature and trees."


Paula Maguire


"I am tired of all the traffic and losing all of the green space that attracted me to this area 20+ years ago.  This must stop.  We are losing the beauty of the area and causing harm to our wildlife."

Melissa Brenner


"Tired of senseless development in Charlotte.  Need green areas for animals to coexist with us."


Bryan Starnes


"This part of town does NOT need more development!  Schools and traffic are already at a breaking point!"

Morgan Kessler


"No more development in South Charlotte.  Get the roads and school under control for what’s already here and reevaluate."

Darlene Ledbetter



"I have been walking this trail/area for years! Totally unnecessary and greedy of people to rezone it. Fu%k you guys."






Sayre Guthrie


"Please save the trees the animals the environment"


Sandra Cabra


"We need green spaces for the better good of our community."


Di Harrison


"We need our green space."


Mark Gahagen


"Traffic around here sucks enough as it is, and the city isn't building anymore roads. Also protect the nest!"

Brian Sink


"For starters, there is not the infrastructure to support this (I already growl at all the traffic taking Elm Lane to avoid Rea Rd) also wildlife support"

Gail Sorensen

"It’s the safe and logical thing to do.  The traffic is terrible, people cannot get out of their neighborhoods now. You are putting in a new high school on North Community House. You are building 52 units on the corner of Elm and Endhaven which already is adding to the cut through from North Community House and the homeowners are having difficulty getting out of their developments with the cars speeding down Endhaven. There are already two schools on Endhaven. Your development planners are not good engineers, and planning these developments it seems the money rules the decisions with you all  We pray logic will come into your decisions but your constituents are listening and watching"


Maureen Carosella

"No to Rea Road rezoning"

Hope Soden

"Quality of life here in this area INCLUDES the trees, animals and environment.  The existing density of population, additional development NOW in the construction stage in this area and the resulting increased traffic have ALREADY impacted our community negatively. Have you studied the increased number of auto accidents, noise levels, flooding and land erosion caused already by increased construction and clearing?  NO to Rea Road Rezoning!"

Kathleen Kallman


"We’ve been in Ballantyne for 11+ years. Never did we imagine the congestion that has occurred in the community. It takes five minutes or more just to exit our townhouse area to get into Elm Lane!  Enuf is enuf. Stop these guys from completely destroying what’s left of the green area for our birds and animals."

Madalene Greco


"We don’t need more housing in that area. Keep it a natural zone"


Andrea Reyes

"I am a native and what developers are doing to our beautiful city you all moved here for is horrendous. I see dead deer on Providence weekly now.  I’ve had a coyote for the first time ever in over 18 years at this home and it’s because they have nowhere to go. When will the greed stop??????? We love new residents but at what cost???? "

Catherine Van Every


"Wildlife, natural areas, traffic, etc!"


Bridget Fisher


"I am signing this due to environmental crime congestion of traffic and natural beauty will be destroyed for the shake of personal interest."

Reshma Amin

"We have to save this habitat and nature in charlotte"

Ravipriya De Alwis


"I want to protect the nesting bald eagles."


Sarah Gorst


"This greenway and all the wildlife brings me immense pleasure."


Ann Surber


"Environmental and traffic disasters"


Georgia Harris

"Too many housing units for area and roads, and nature and wildlife impacts"

Matthew LaRocque


"We have plenty of cities and buildings; if someone wants more, they can just move to New York or Chicago. Save the wildlife"

Maasa Evans


"I care about having enough schools for the children this development will Bring"


Jill Hudson


"I want to stop this over development"


Ronald Leicht


"Preserve this ancient parcel for posterity. Demonstrate that Charlotte is more than brick and mortar but a refuge for nature and wildlife."


Cornelia Pleasants


"This addition will make Elm Lane a traffic nightmare and ruin the habitats of so many species near the Greenway."

Scott Smith


"I'm tired of developers destroying our land!!"


Bonnie Dann

"We need green space, over development is a huge issue!"

Natalie Bischoff


"I Oppose the development"


Ruxandra Nicolae


"I want to stop the destruction of green space in Charlotte! Charlotte’s motto ought to be, “if it’s green, we’ll destroy it and build on it’"


Joe Ely


"Save a health supporting wildlife community There are to many people who are who enjoy it every day"

Herbert Voigt


"This is criminal - the destruction of our environment for more building is unacceptable. Save this site!"


Anita Skogland


"This is a terrible idea. It's not good for the environment it's not good for our neighborhood and it's not good for the Eagles!"

Debby Baker


"We need more green space not less and I’m all for growth but Charlotte will grow without sprawling that way too."

Jamie Thomas

"Enough is enough.  Cities are better with green spaces and it's important to the mental and physical health of the people (and animals) who live here."

Susan Murray


"We are already too congested on our roads. We need the green space."


Lucie Tonon


"I’m signing because the area has been thriving with wildlife since I was a small boy. I would hate to see my childhood destroyed."

Liam Campbell


"We have enough development in Ballantyne. Save the green space and nature!"


Madalene Greco


"Drove through there today - love that area - seeing the Bald Eagles and having watched a family of Great Herons nesting several years ago - the best of the best. Don't ruin it with more ridiculously over built ticky tacky homes."

Francine White




"I want this area preserved as a nature habitat because that’s what it is. Many nesting bird use and need this wetland. Please say yes to quality of life for us all and no to this development."








Julia Rawlinson


"Save green space."


Nan Howard


"We need this place"


Andrew Ingraham



"It is time to STOP this out-of-control development in Charlotte!!  It is wrong to demolish every green area that helps with air quality and temperature.  Charlotte can't take care of the infrastructure we have - water leaks, potholes, burned out streetlights, road repair, etc.!!  STOP!!"

Jennie Munyan


"We need to save our environment!"


Sarah Knight


"Cause too much damage to ecosystem. The little that is left."


Chris Wellons

"Save the eagles, and stop making the traffic so bad that it takes 20 minutes to drive 1 miles. our quality of life matters too"

Melisa Klink


"We need more eagles and places to keep our wildlife healthy.  Be mindful of these creatures and please reduce your footprint here."


Eileen Shleffar


"This needs to be stopped and green space preserved!!"


Donny Forsyth

"This GREEN area needs to stay GREEN! A developer's greed is NOT wanted. Traffic in this area will increase, which the present roads will NOT be able to accommodate! No to GREEDY developer.  YES, to a wildlife GREEN area!"

Riki Price

"This must be stopped.  I never saw a Bald Eagle in Charlotte until about five years ago.  In Northern Virginia, on Bull Run in Manassas, I would see them as a young adult when I was riding my horse (spook a Bald Eagle resting in a tree, you know it because it is HUGE!  Charlotte is going to become just like NOVA - a concrete slab, snarled traffic, properties on the Historical Registry, like the Old Thompson Dairy in Manassas, VA, which is sitting in the middle of a cloverleaf of a major interstate highway!  The rest of the farm is gone as are large parts of the Manassas Battlefield the DOI never properly took ownership of and was snapped up by developers for more big box stores, hotels, and fast food or chain restaurants that nobody wanted or needed.  At least Historic Old Town Manassas, including the train station that predates the Civil War has been saved and protected.  Charlotte has consistently torn down everything in any developers path since I moved here in 1990, and has increased exponentially in the past few years!  When I packed up my mother's house in 2013, I swore I would never go back because my heart was shattered by what greedy developers had done.  Charlotte is on the same path!  Do it four our children and grandchildren!  Once it's gone, it's gone forever!"

Elizabeth Pound


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