Monday, January 1, 2024

Letter To Charlotte Mayor, City Council and Zoning Committee Members

Help stop the Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning Request. Send an email today to the following:

Charlotte City Council Members

Charlotte Mayor

Zoning Committee Members

Douglas Welton, Chairperson -
Terry Lansdell -
Shana Neeley -
Will Russell -
Clayton Sealey -
Rebekah Whilden -
Fredrick Winiker  -

You can use our sample letter or write your own. Thank You!

Dear Charlotte Mayor, City Council Member, Zoning Committee Member:

I'd like take a moment to remind you of Charlotte Citizens' concerns regarding the Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning (RZP 2022-121) request by RK Investing, LLC.

As of today more than 18,250 people have signed an online petition opposing this rezoning request.

We in south Charlotte are all very aware of the need for additional housing as Charlotte grows. However, the proposed "luxury high end rental apartment complex" offers nothing in the way of affordable or work force housing and does little to address the limited supply of homes (new or existing) on the market today within the City. 

The proposed project does not address concerns about preservation, protection, or the conservation of our natural resources including the 53 acres of old growth forest (Tree Canopy) which would be destroyed and the likely damage to the Four Mile Creek, FEMA Floodplain, surrounding Wetlands, or Wildlife Habitat (home to a nesting pair of American Bald Eagles named Piper and Glen) that would occur if the rezoning request is approved.

We are also concerned about the continuity of our neighborhoods because the Proposed Project is nearly 10 times the density of the Surrounding Area. In short, the project is proposing urban zoning in a non-urban setting.

Finally, the future costs of the proposed project to the City and County regarding roads, schools, public safety, and other services, is far more than our current infrastructure and budget can absorb. 

Please VOTE NO on the Rea Road Gillespie Rezoning Request RZP 2022-121. 


1 comment:

sbtaylor said...

We have owned a home in Piper Glen for the past 16 years. Four Mile Creek flooding onto our property has become an increasing and continually encroaching problem to our residence within the last four years. This is primarily due to unregulated development (runoff, tree removal, additional flat surfaces; roof and pavement) causing creeks to fill with sediment, that is not addressed by dredging or removal by city/county government to protect existing homes and property. It has become an increasing expense to repair damage done by creek overflow/runoff flooding. I vote NO for any further development, specifically the Gillespie project, until protection for existing residences is implemented; not just promised or planned.