Sunday, January 7, 2024

Rea Road Gillespie Rezoning a Clear Threat to our Environment

Builders across Mecklenburg County seem to have little regard for our environment. Most view compliance with silt fence and storm drainage mitigation measures as nuisance inconveniences. 

Mecklenburg County enforcement and state agencies are vastly understaffed and are simply unable to efficiently inspect construction sites. Broken construction silt fences and damaged temporary retention ponds are compounded by contractor's indifference. 

The small concrete pipe along the eastern side of Elm Lane seems innocent enough. After all what's a little run off water? But the pipe collects runoff stormwater from the east shoulder of Elm Lane and the south side of the Gillespie Property directing the collected water into the marsh area known as "Pooh's Corner" along the Four Mile Creek Greenway.

The seldom noticed wetlands border the Gillespie Property on the west side of Elm Lane total more than 36 acres. Mecklenburg County owns 24.78 of those acres, and the White Oak Homeowners Association owns the remaining 12.15. 

Once the water travels under Elm Lane it flows in a narrow channel through a small stand of trees and into the wetlands; where it feeds into a micro ecosystem that provides life to countless species of birds, waterfowl, mammals and aquatic life.

Above a lone cormorant suns itself after a morning of heavy rain at Pooh's Corner
as mallard ducks forage amongst the cattails. 

But the planned multiple year construction project is only part of the problem. The clear cutting of 70% of the 53 acre forest and subsequent replacement with countless acres of impervious surface bring even more catastrophic damage.

Even developing the property as zoned for single family homes presents problems, but at least the smaller scope of the project could be mitigated.

We continue to encourage Charlotte City Council to respect the recently adopted UDO and recognize that they have a duty to actively preserve, protect, and conserve our natural resources by VOTING NO on the Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning Request RZP 2022-121.


Anonymous said...

If you want to see how poorly contractors conduct themselves and how little they care you should visit the new high school off North Community House Road right now during this thunderstorm. The mudflow is thick and silt fences useless.

Anonymous said...

After yesterday’s massive storm and flooding, we should all be extremely concerned that the developers want to build this massive complex directly beside the four mile creek. City leaders should not support this irresponsible plan

Anonymous said...

Charlotte political hacks are clueless anyone who has ever attended one of these public forums knows what a pointless effort it is to try and talk to these people. Good luck getting any of them to listen then vote for crap all the time and don't care what people say.