Monday, September 25, 2023

Ed Driggs (is) The Problem With Re-Zoning (Opinion)

Over the past several months I’ve heard from many supporters of our Charlotte City Council District 7 Representative Ed Driggs. I’ve also heard from dozens of citizens who are not exactly fans of Mr. Driggs

Charlotte City Council District 7 Member Ed Driggs

But rather than just hyperbole, here are some facts:

In the last five years Ed Driggs has basically run unopposed in a strongly republican district, (he is unopposed again this year barring a write in candidate securing enough votes) yet he has raised $188,442.00 in campaign donations according to NC Election Records

Of the reported funds raised, as much as 70% came from individuals within Charlotte's real estate and property development industry.

The names of contributors read like the who’s who of Charlotte’s, very successful real estate investment firms and affiliated companies. Names like Fred Klein, Peter Pappas, Daniel Levine, Johnny Harris, and real estate attorneys like Bailey Patrick, Richard Vinroot, and John Carmichael who represents the Gillespie Property developers

In fact, RK Investors, (the developers behind the Gillespie Property rezoning request) have made frequent yearly contributions with funds received from principals Russell Ranson, Neil Kapadia, and others during the period of 2018-2022.  

Noticeably absent, however are contributions from RK Investments, LLC in the current (2023) election year which is understandable as the optics would be somewhat unattractive. 

However, a contribution from Landworks Design Group, the lead design firm hired by RK Investments, LLC on the Gillespie Property stands out.


In fairness there is nothing wrong or illegal with any Charlotte citizen, including developers contributing to a Charlotte City Council candidate’s campaign. 

However, when the council member refuses to commit to a no vote, and continuously stresses some sort of compromise even in the face of overwhelming opposition (more than 14,000 have signed the petition asking for a NO VOTE) to a project from a solid base of neighborhood taxpayers and citizens, something is strikingly wrong. 

If you're just an average citizen in Charlotte you need to understand, Mr. Drigg's continued support of the Gillespie project is simply saying not only does your voice not matter, but in fact you have no voice because you haven't paid for it.

Rather than pushing his "compromise" agenda on behalf of RK Investments, LLC Mr. Driggs needs to firmly commit to a NO VOTE and press other council members even the democrats for a NO VOTE as well. Anything less than 100% opposition and commitment to seeing that this proposal is defeated is disingenuous at best.


Anonymous said...

Why hasn't the local media picked up on this? I know he's not Hunter Biden but this is ridiculous. No wonder all these project get approved.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who doesn't think Ed Driggs is on the take is nuts.

Anonymous said...

Charlotte's dirty little secret the incestous relationship between developers and city council members. They are all lining their pockets and when they get their fill they will move to Union County or the coast.

Anonymous said...

The story is the same whenever Ed Driggs is involved.

Developer has a ridiculous ask

Petition includes school, parks, senior housing and/or low income housing

Developer scales back ask

Ed Driggs claims he is the reason for the change claims he's demanding more

Developer reduces size of project again and offers free stuff or changes from apartments to condos

Ed Driggs claims victory tells neighbors to agree or risk getting nothing.

Developer builds traffic snarling project denies making any promises or sells property to another developer who screws the neighbors builds whatever he can get away with.

Ed Driggs again claims victory.

Anonymous said...

If this project and the needed rezoning is not approved no one will miss it. Absolutely NO ONE!

Anonymous said...

LOL the author doesn’t want anyone to live next to him. Leave my woods that I don’t own alone!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the project will be approved. Never mind that they could build pricey single family homes and make some serious cash. I don't know a 1000 apartments in Steele Creek is one thing but why build the hood in a nice part of Charlotte?

Anonymous said...

At this point this is not the best use of this property. No way it will provide "affordable" houseing.

Anonymous said...

Ed Driggs is a crook and weasel.

Anonymous said...

The questionable ethics and certainly optics surrounding these types of financial contributions are clear. Charlotte needs to follow LA’s lead -they recently banned contributions from property developers during pending projects

Anonymous said...

Ed is outnumbered bigly on Council. You really think one person (maybe two if Tariq joins him) can overrule all the progressives on Council?

Also, NIMBY much??!

Anonymous said...

Ed got the developer to drop the number of units from over 1,100 to 640. Nary a mention of this in your blog.

Anonymous said...

Ed just said on his weekly Zoom call that he will work with the rest of Council to vote down this re-zoning request.

Anonymous said...

To 8:05, 8:30 and 8:35 The progressives on council are the ones who will vote against this as it has nothing for them in it.

Ed didn't get anyone to drop a thing. The developer put up an insane request then offers a compromise that Ed has pay the hero on. It is all BS. In fact the 1,100 unit request was the death blow to the project.

The Ed is a lying dog. Until he comes out and publically says no way no how I'm not buying any of it.

He has said more than once to Chip and others that it was more complicated than just voting no.

Anonymous said...

Pretty obvious Chip Starr doesn't care for Ed Driggs. I'm afraid he's not wrong.

Anonymous said...

Ed Driggs has been on Charlotte City Council for ten years. Things have only gotten worse in the last ten years. Replacing office buildings with high rise apartments in Ballantyne is another example of bad news that Ed voted in favor of.