Friday, September 22, 2023

Next Thursday You Can Stop This From Happening On Rea Road

This is RK Investors idea of a "tree save" at their Proximity NorthLake property off Reames Road in north Charlotte.

What they are planning for the Gillespie Property will be worse. In order to build their apartment complex they plan on removing 70% of the trees and as much as 80 feet from the highest elevations of the property.

The Public Meeting Will Be Held THIS WEEK:

Thursday September 28, 6:30 PM

St. Matthew Catholic Church 

New Life Center - Banquet Room

8015 Ballantyne Commons Parkway

Charlotte, NC 28277

And we need your help on Thursday to stand with your neighbors and tell the developer and Charlotte City Council Member Ed Driggs NO!

No To:

Increased Traffic
Overburdened Infrastructure
Destruction of Our Greenway and Tree Canopy
Endangering Our Bald Eagles and Wildlife

Please share our petition which is here: http://Change.Org/SavePiperGlen

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