Friday, July 21, 2023

Gillespie Property Developer Continues Re-Zoning Push

Charlotte City Council member Ed Driggs email regarding the Gillespie Property:

This week petitioners for petition 2022-121 responded to opposition from area residents, City staff and myself to their development plan by discussing a new plan with me and the staff.  

The latest draft proposal reduces the number of residential units from originally about 1,100, subsequently reduced to 980, now down to 636 units.  

The staff and I have indicated that this latest proposal is within a range we can discuss, subject to feedback from residents and the many other tests the City applies to rezoning petitions.  

The current timeline suggests a hearing in November, with a decision in December or January.  

The petitioner will give the required timely notice of an official Community Meeting and intends to host other meetings with residents as development of the plan continues. 

I will follow up with further information as it becomes available.

Ed Driggs

Charlotte City Council District 7

(704) 432-7077 and


As we have seen from Council Member Driggs in the past, his efforts and communications are nothing beyond self-serving and contemptuous. While to the casual observer the reduction from 1,100 units to 636 would appear to be a major victory, and something Driggs will claim to be at his demand, nothing could be further from the truth.

The developer obviously overstated his request knowing that it would be shot down and hopeful that a smaller project would clear all the required hurdles. But the multi-family project is not in keeping with character of the Piper Glen Community. Further our city / county infrastructure is ill-suited to the demands of even a smaller multi-family project. Finally the environmental damage to our watershed and natural resources is unacceptable. 

In short any form rezoning is unacceptable and would simply invalidate the city's major zoning revision spelled out in the comprehensive Charlotte 2040 Plan.

Juvenile Eagles enjoying the long Summer Days

We will continue to keep concerned citizens up to date on future developments. Your input is needed and welcome.


Christine said...

We must not be lulled into thinking this is a "reasonable" compromise when clearly it was a manipulation tactic! THINK about the latest plan as if hearing it for the first time...isn't a 636-unit development in that spot still going to raise all the same concerns we had the first go round? Absolutely. The project remains TOO BIG for that location and will damage the sensitive ecosystem along the Greenway. WE MUST CONTINUE TO STRONGLY OPPOSE!!

Anonymous said...

Wanting to make sure you are all aware of a meeting on Thursday 8/17 at 6:30pm at the South Charlotte Banquet Center at 9009 Bryant Farms Rd, Charlotte, NC 28277. I did not see it in updates on the website or on

Anonymous said...

Yes to all the above!! So much manipulation is at play. Let’s show up in droves at the community meeting!