Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Gillespie Property Re-Zoning Meeting

Late last week we received notice of the required by law "Community Meeting" that property developers must hold in order to receive approval for re-zoning petitions.

Normally when these meetings happen, a couple people show up exchange pleasantries and go home, as developers in Charlotte seldom see push back on even the most outrageous requests. 

Then a few weeks later Charlotte City Council approves the request and everyone wonders why crime is out of control and traffic gridlock is everywhere.

This is your one chance to make a difference and let the City of Charlotte, the developer and the Gillespie Family know that destroying 54 acres of forest to build an apartment complex in an area that even the much debated 2040 plan designated as "Single Family" is a really bad idea.

This Public Meeting Will Be Held Next Week:

Thursday, August 17, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

Place of Meeting: 

South Charlotte Banquet Center
9009 Bryant Farms Road
Charlotte, NC 28277

Text of the Meeting Notice:



Subject:      Community Meeting - Rezoning Petition No. 2022-121 filed by RK Investments

                    Charlotte LLC to request the rezoning of an approximately 53.07 acre site located
                    between Rea Road and Elm Lane, just south of Bevington Place (see enclosed

         Date and Time of Meeting:

         Thursday, August 17, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

         Place of Meeting:

         South Charlotte Banquet Center 

         9009 Bryant Farms Road

        Charlotte, NC 28277

 We are assisting RK Investments Charlotte LLC (the “Petitioner”) in connection with a Rezoning Petition it has filed with the Charlotte Planning, Design & Development Department requesting the rezoning of an approximately 53.07 acre site located between Rea Road and Elm Lane, just south of Bevington Place, (see enclosed map) from the N1-A zoning district to the UR-2 (CD) zoning district. The purpose of this rezoning request is to accommodate the development of a residential community on the site that would contain a maximum of 636 dwelling units that would be comprised of a mixture of multi-family dwelling units and single family attached (townhome) dwelling units.

 The Petitioner will hold a Community Meeting prior to the Public Hearing on this Rezoning Petition for the purpose of discussing this rezoning proposal with nearby property owners and organizations. The Charlotte Planning, Design & Development Department’s records indicate that you are either a representative of a registered neighborhood organization or an owner of property that adjoins, is located across the street from, or is near the site.

 Accordingly, on behalf of the Petitioner, we give you notice that representatives of the Petitioner will hold a Community Meeting regarding this Rezoning Petition on Thursday, August 17, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the South Charlotte Banquet Center located at 9009 Bryant Farms Road in Charlotte. Representatives of the Petitioner look forward to sharing this rezoning proposal with you and to answering your questions.

 In the meantime, should you have any questions or comments, please call John Carmichael at (704) 377-8341 or email John Carmichael at

Thank you.

Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A.

cc: Council Member Ed Driggs, Charlotte City Council District 7 (via email)
Mr. John Kinley, Charlotte Planning, Design & Development Department (via email)
Date Mailed: August 4, 2023 


Anonymous said...

This proposal is not only unacceptable but it’s unnecessary. The City of Charlotte is beautiful and with each new development we are carving away this beauty while devastating the wildlife populations that also benefit from our green spaces. Enough day-lighting has been allowed to occur in this small area over the past 10 years and it’s time to put a stop to it. This rezoning petition needs to be stopped for the good of all. Please - we know better from years of poor choices - now is the time to DO better.

Anonymous said...

The venue was specifically selected to discourage attendance. Parking will be tight if more than 100 people show up. But knowing covertitives they will not pull more than a dozen. as for the Eagles and the rest of the wildlife most of your neighbors don't know the difference between a squirrel and a chipmunk fox or coyote. Prove me wrong!