Sunday, April 2, 2023

Rea Road Gillespie Rezoning Update No. 7

Good Morning,

Our VOTE NO Petition to Charlotte City Council is only 619 signatures away from 10,000!

Meanwhile volunteers continue to explore other options to the proposed development, including having Mecklenburg County Park and Rec acquire the Gillespie Property to preserve the natural habit as it is now.

We are also currently waiting on the developer to resubmit updated plans and respond to Charlotte City Staff requests for changes. There has been no update since March 1st.

Major concern is the flawed traffic study submitted by the developer. 

The developer has stated " impact on traffic would be minimal" based on their traffic study showing an increase of 4,970 vehicle movements daily.

Yet the City's own guidelines suggest that a 1,100 unit multifamily complex would generate an additional 7,432 vehicle movements daily at a minimum.

This, added to the NC DOT 2018 traffic count of 31,000 and we are above a projected traffic count of more than 38,000 daily, an increase of more than 23%. Hardly a minimal impact.

We continue to encourage you to share this petition with your friends and neighbors in the hope that we can convince Charlotte City Council that the Rea Road GIllespie Property rezoning petition should be denied.

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