Saturday, March 4, 2023

Action Item: Email Charlotte Zoning Committee Members

Long before Charlotte City Council votes to approve or deny a rezoning petition the zoning committee will have their vote. 

Please keep in mind that these committee members are just citizens and serve our community as volunteers.

But it would be a good idea to let them know your objections to the Gillespie Rea Road Rezoning Petition in advance of their Charlotte Zoning Committee Work Session meeting. 

The best way to do this is via email. You'll find a sample email objecting to the rezoning request below.

Charlotte Zoning Committee Members

Phillip Gussman, Chairperson, Zoning Committee

Douglas Welton, Vice-Chairperson,  Zoning Committee

Ronnie Harvey, Zoning Committee 

RK Investors Charlotte, LLC has requested to change the zoning from the current single family (R-3) to UR-2 (CD) zoning to accommodate the development of multi-family dwelling units,allowing for the construction of more than 1,100 rental units and towering six story apartment buildings. 

As you may know the 2040 Plan has designated this property as "Neighborhood 1" (Neighborhood 1 places are the lower density housing areas across Charlotte, where most of the city’s residents live, primarily in single-family or small multi-family homes or ADUs.and I feel it should remain as such and unchanged.

Additional reasons the zoning change is unacceptable are as follows:

• Charlotte’s population and traffic has grown dramatically during the last decade as have the demands for City/County Services. Unfortunately, the ability to provide these services has not kept pace with the growth, in fact across the full spectrum of government services (Public Safety, Sanitation, Water, Schools, Utilities, U.S. Mail, Roads and Transportation) there has been a decline in staff and frequency, efficiency and quality. In short, this area of Charlotte does not have the infrastructure to accommodate 1,100 additional homes and the resulting traffic.

• Charlotte property owners have the reasonable expectation that the character of their neighborhoods will remain unchanged, and that property zoned R-3 single family and designated now as Neighborhood 1, will remain zoned single family and neighborhood 1 and not abruptly become a towering multifamily rental complex which is not in keeping with the character of the area.

• The wildlife in this area includes beavers, coyotes, an abundance of deer, racoons, opossums, hawks, and owls large and small, who have adapted admirably to the incursion of suburbia. The 18 acres of wetlands immediately adjacent to the property, serves as a rookery to both Snowy Egrets and Great Blue Herons, that would be adversely impacted by the hardscape surface water runoff from the development. It is of utmost concern that a pair of American Bald Eagles who have called Piper Glen home for the last twenty years are also in jeopardy, as the development will come within 900 feet of their nest, that they have maintained for 16 years or more and will destroy nearly 30% of their natural habitat.

I encourage you to vote against the rezoning petition.


(Your Name)

(Your Address)

(Your Phone Number)


Anonymous said...

Done! and City Council Members too!

Anonymous said...

I shortened the letter and emailed every one of them. Actually got a reply from two.

Anonymous said...

I emailed them got one reply asking how many people live in Piper Glen. I don't know a lot I guess. Anyone know that answer?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lot of misinformation out there city has it on a April fast track. Ed Driggs acts like it will be next November. Anyone have a real time line?

Anonymous said...

The Planning Commission is made up of the Planning Committee and the Zoning Committee the individual titles are commissioner and they move from one to the other, some of them are actual developers. The deck is stacked, has lots of info. Out of approx 400 rezoning petitions from 2020 to 2022 18mths only 11 were denied. Info on City Council zoning agendas.