Thursday, February 23, 2023

Update No. 4

Good Morning Rea Road Neighbors!

UPDATE: Gillespie Property Rezoning Request

(The NextDoor treads concerning the Rezoning have become unmanageable (But that is Awesome) even so later today I will close all the prior posts to further comments and just leave one open. That way we can all stay up to date)   

Here's the update:

More than 3,000 concerned Charlotte citizens have signed the VOTE NO Petition. 

Piper Glen HOAs are working with the Piper Glen Master HOA to present a unified Response.

I have spoken with a dozen or more area HOAs that also object to the proposed Rezoning.

I have also communicated with several conservation groups willing to help STOP this Project.

WBTV produced a 3 minute segment on the proposed Rezoning and Piper Glen's objections. You can watch the WBTV news story here.

Overall the the objections seems to have three main concerns:

First Infrastructure can't handle the proposed density

Second the project is unreasonable and not in keeping with the character of the surrounding neighborhoods.

Thirdly the environmental impact will be staggering, causing irreversible damage to the area.


Sign the petition here.

Email Charlotte City Council a list of their email addresses and phone numbers is here.

Let them know the Rezoning Petition is not a good fit for our residential community.

Spread the word to your neighbors to do the same!

Finally call your City Councilman, Ed Driggs 704-574-7262


Anonymous said...

Can us assume that Driggs and Bokhari are on board with the No Vote? If so we should really go after the at large council members.

Anonymous said...

2:13 ia correct at large council members are supposed to represent all of Charlotte citizens so let's not wait for Ed Driggs.

Anonymous said...

Ed is opposed. His comment indicating his position is the first reply I saw to Elena's NextDoor posting. This is his comment: Ed Driggs
• Piper Glen
Elena, this is City Council Member Ed Driggs. I have made clear to the petitioner that I oppose this rezoning mainly but not only because of its excessive density. I did want to clarify the timeline for the process: there will be a Public Hearing no sooner than April, and the final Council vote will not occur until at least a month after that. During that time, staff will analyze the petition, including a traffic assessment, storm water engineering, public safety and numerous other factors. I have been in touch with the HOA steering group and will work with residents to ensure Council is aware of their concerns

Anonymous said...

Ed might say he’s opposed but I don’t think I’ve have ever seen a more ineffectual leader. He will say some nice words and vote no but we need someone to work with the other council members before this vote.

Anonymous said...

Ed is a total tool. Used by the developers and enabled by the non-voting conservatives in south Charlotte.

Anonymous said...

He also accepted 3 separate campaign donations, all from RK Investors. One from Russel Ranson, one from Thomas Brasse of RK Investors & one from Neil Kapadia, the other principle of RK. Tariq Bokhari has one donation from RK investors in his 2022 disclosures. Unfortunately, Charlotte city council can vote on things even from developers they’ve received campaign funding from and it isn’t not technically a “conflict of interest”.

Anonymous said...

All Piper Glen residents--please remember all the street lights (sides) on Rea Rd between 485 and Pineville Matthews Rd were paid for by Piper Glen residents--probably hundreds of thousands of dollars. In addition, we maintain the median and the sides of Rea Rd--which costs the homeowners in excess of $150K per year. And don't forget the traffic light that was installed on Piper Glen Drive and Rea Rd--some of it at homeowner's expense. It's unfortunate we have put soo much money into our community for someone else to take advantage of it. If this projects moves forward, we should pursue re cooping some of these costs from the developer..

Anonymous said...

7:56 you are correct the HOAs spent a lot of money on the west side of Rea Road. But you know that's kind of water under the bridge and frankly small change to the decline in property values long term this money grab as all about. I can't imagine they get any push back from the WOKE CLT CC. And Driggs they own him.

Anonymous said...

This petition is a perfect example of the disconnect between the local government and the people it represents. This is bigger than one petition. Thousands of Charlotteans have had enough of reckless development decisions and the long term consequences they bring, lowering the once great quality of life in this city. Also, other cities ( like Los Angeles) are now banning city councils from receiving campaign contributions from developers. Charlotte needs to follow suit.