Wednesday, February 22, 2023

In Person Petition Signing (Just an Idea at this Point)

We now have more than 3000 signatures on our petition!

Someone suggested we take over The Four Mile Greenway Parking Lot on Bevington Place across from Trader Joe's to add to our petition signatures. The idea being not everyone is on social media but they use the Greenway often. 

Perhaps the 2nd Saturday of March. 

We would offer our Petition for signature, US Fish and Wildlife Brochures, may even invite the Catawba Land Conservancy, Wing Haven and the Raptor Center to help out.  

We would need a couple of volunteers doing perhaps a two / three hour shift so maybe as many as ten twelve people total?   

Someone also suggested hitting up Trader Joe's for some help or even a second signing table at their store.

Open to suggestions.

If you have an interest please email to: or use the "Contact" button on the right ------------>

Thank You for your input!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have been attempting to sign yet find it impossible?