Thursday, March 21, 2024

Standing Room Only Crowd Says NO to Gillespie Property Rezoning

It was an amazing turnout at Monday’s Charlotte City Council meeting. 

So many “VOTE NO” supporters filled council chambers that more than 100 citizens were forced to watch the proceedings from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center lobby television monitors.


Despite our continued opposition and massive show of unity our Charlotte City Council District 7 Representative Ed Driggs continues to sit squarely on the fence.

This despite the fact that our loud and clear message could not have been more direct and visible during the March 18th City Council Meeting.

                    VOTE NO ON THE RK INVESTMENTS PETITION RZP-2022-121

The Reasons for our Unwavering Opposition:

  • Overstressed Infrastructure (Schools, Public Safety, Roads, Sanatiation, Parks)
  • Adds to Flooding (already a major problem)
  • Destruction of an irreplaceable Natural Resource (loss of 38 acres of trees)
  • Apartments (12 Times Density of Surrounding Area)
  • Does Not Meet the Charlotte 2040 Plan Goals
  • Buildings Too Visible from Rea Road & Elm Lane
  • Too Much Additional Traffic
  • Not in Keeping with the Character of our Community

City Council Member Driggs we again ask that you stop promoting the petitioner’s scare tactic of “build by-right”. 

We strongly believe that in this market the petitioner will build "by-right" a very high-end and attractive single family development to create demand with customers who are willing and able to pay the high prices that are needed to maximize their return on investment.

Build By-Right Advantages:

  • No Multi Family Rental Apartments
  • Fewer Housing Units (400 vs 640)
  • Lower Building Heights
  • Comparable Tree Save Across the Entirety of the Property
  • No Appreciable Change or Loss in Traffic Enhancements
  • Fewer Vehicles and Less Traffic
  • Lower Density
  • Comparable or Greater Building Set Back Requirements

We fully understand the need for more housing in Charlotte. However rental apartments do not equate to home ownership.

The adoption of the UDO already rezoned the property from 159 single family detached homes to 477 duplex, triplex and quadraplex homes. A 300% increase in density.

The only explanation to asking for an additional 100% increase is greed on the part of the developer. A developer who is taking advantage of Charlotte's misguided UDO and taking it to a whole new level.

Therefore the only answer to this stunning amount of greed is to say NO!

Got a minute? Copy the above and email this message directly to Ed Diggs at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ed Driggs took more time to yap about this project than the developer's lawyer. Then his cronies Pimple and Bro Face had to defend him. I'm sick of these clowns.