Sunday, March 3, 2024

Interesting Park and Rec Information

We have asked Mecklenburg County Commissioners to take a serious look at acquiring the Rea Road Gillespie Property.

Several candidates for North Carolina State House and State Senate have offered support for this idea as well. 

As our population continues to grow rapidly in Mecklenburg and the surrounding counties, so does the need to expand and maintain our greenways, parks, nature preserves, and recreation centers. 

Due to underinvestment in the past, many area residents have limited access to park and recreation opportunities. 

A recent study by The Trust for Public Land showed that only 38% of Mecklenburg County residents live within a 10-minute walk of a park. The median for the top 100 most populous U.S. cities is 74%.

Increasing our investment in our area Greenways and Parks will not only improve access for more residents but will also:

  • Provide local job opportunities.

  • Encourage active lifestyles and reduce health costs. 

  • Make our community more resilient by helping mitigate flooding.

  • Help clean our air and reduce our contribution to the climate crisis.

  • Increase community cohesion and help reduce crime.

  • Improve quality of life and livability.

  • Build community by providing gathering places for neighbors, families, and friends. 

Investment in our parks will provide long term returns we can count on for years to come. 

What do you think let us know and we will pass it on.


Anonymous said...

Mecklenburg County Parks only wanted some parking if I recall and they gave them that with the parking on their road according to the presentation they did. Remember that we have one of the biggest wooded parks in Mecklenburg County almost within walking distance (William Davie Park) and we are very blessed in South Charlotte with the Greenway, open spaces and amenities we do have. I also remember that the engineer said they were working with the parks on the bridge they were building and the 3 miles of trails that connect to the Greenway.
Ultimately, no way the Parks buys this site, so what will be built?

Anonymous said...

The Greenway master plan was adopted in 1980 but only about 60 miles of the 300 mile trail network have been built. WE NEED MORE TRAILS! The Greenway master plan will be the largest Park in Charlotte. We need this alternative transportation corridor to be completed.


Anonymous said...

10:18 I checked out the "3 miles of walking trails" claim and it turns out they are counting internal sidewalks that won't be public. So the real number is more like one mile if that. They are just using the required sidewalks to claim value for neighbors. I'd be shocked if they ever build a pedestrian bridge.