Tuesday, February 27, 2024

What Is In A Tree Save?

The City of Charlotte requires a 15% minimum "tree save" for all development projects. A fairly strong indication that we as a city, value our tree canopy.

Unfortunately, many developers see this as a nuisance law and find ways around the ordinance and if necessary just cut down the trees and pay a small fine later.

The old adage of don't ask permission just beg forgiveness seems to be in use.

Still most developers understand trees are a big deal in Charlotte and so it comes as no surprise that RK Investments Charlotte LLC would create their power point proposal to show their development in the best possible light. Their presentation during two standing room only community meetings featured a lot of green.

First they showed the proposed development site, 53 acres untouched Carolina forest and called it "Open Space Preservation" preserving the perimeter and preserving the pond.

Then they showed more green, even the proposed clear cut area was green and a touted a proposed protected perimeter and lake acreage of approximately 40% of the site.

Wide tree buffers of 30 to 275 feet in some areas 75 foot minimums in other areas.

However when the plans finally made it to City of Charlotte Planning Staff most of the "perimeter" was gone and only a total "possible" tree save of 30% remained. Most of which is actually located within an unbuildable flood zone.


In the end below is the likely outcome. This is the RK Investments development in the North Lake area of Charlotte.

Pretty similar to the 15% tree save at Endhaven Lane just a mile south.

Tell Charlotte City Council ENOUGH!

Protect the Rea Road Gillespie Property from developers save Charlotte's last large green space inside the 485 beltway. 

Sign the petition at change.org/savepiperglen today!


Anonymous said...

Money talks nobody walks is the saying. Everyone should protest this at the March meeting. Along with that comes the next big orooosed project off of Tom Short. See next door post. Another possible 900 units along with rentals! Charlotte is killing our part of South Charlotte. I foresee many a home being sold. As a Realtor myself I may consider leaving. The chaos in our roads and the people moving here are not all shall we say desirable. Never met a nasty person here in 12 years. Seems lately people have a suspicious eye on others due to the influx and crime.

Anonymous said...

The RK Proposal exceeds code minimum standards and has a wooded perimeter buffer saving 30% of the trees and planting more. Compact vertical development creates the ability to protect larger portions of the site. A by right plan would destroy more trees including the oaks along Rea.

Anonymous said...

The RK Proposal sucks period everyone knows it. I'm looking for real answers about the tree save. Looks to me like the tree save keeps getting smaller.

Anonymous said...

Developers will say anything to get city council to vote yes. And for what? More traffic more crime more air pollution more stormwater. All you have to do is look at the Gillespie property and see all the garbage down in the wet lands tires, a washing machine plastic buckets and bags. He doesn't give a flip about nature, or Charlotte.