Sunday, February 4, 2024

Building Rules Verses Common Sense

 Gillespie Property South Charlotte Rezoning Petition

How would you feel if someone petitioned to build a casino, a prison or some other egregious project in your backyard??? 

“What is good for the developer and what is good for the community are often two different things. Just because a developer can meet a template of building requirements does not mean what is built is good, or even wanted by the community.”

What are we really talking about here???

If Charlotte City Council approves the RK Investments Charlotte, LLC rezoning petition RZP-2022-121 the developer will:

  • Clear cut more than 37 acres of old growth tree canopy from a Charlotte residential community.
  • Build a highly visible “large box” urban apartment complex that is nearly six times the density of the surrounding residential area on a hill featuring buildings that are five (5) stories tall. Little or no screening planned with setbacks in some cases as close as 15 feet to surrounding roads.
  • Add over 4,000 cars per day to the already overcrowded neighborhood streets, Rea Road, and Elm Lane.
  • Build at least 1,000,000 square feet of impervious surface, dramatically adding to an existing flooding problem within our local neighborhoods and along the Four Mile Creek Greenway.

At two well attended “Petitioner’s Community Meetings”, neighborhood residents let RK Investments Charlotte, LLC know loud and clear: 


Additionally, 19,000+ have signed a petition against the proposed zoning change. Countless Charlotte residents have made calls, and sent emails, making known their opposition to this rezoning request.

And yet, this developer has made NO effort to compromise with those neighborhoods affected.

Yes, zoning ordinances strongly favor builders yet at what cost to the infrastructure, citizens, neighborhoods, wildlife, and environment?  

Sometimes COMMON SENSE must prevail.

Mayor Lyles, City Council, City staff and Charlotte Zoning Committee, we respectfully REQUEST YOU DENY RK Investments Charlotte, LLC rezoning petition RZP 2022-121.

Your South Charlotte Neighbors


Please consider signing our Petition at

*(Pictured the Endhaven Road / Elm Lane property rezoned from single family to multi-family during the summer of 2023 is located just 1/2 south of the Gillespie Property).

A big thank you to Garland Green for this update.

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