Friday, January 12, 2024

Rea Road Gillespie Property Flooding January 9, 2024

The photos below are from the Tuesday January 9th rainfall. This location is on the Elm Lane or western side of the Gillespie Property.  At the location there is normally a slow trickle of runoff stormwater the comes from the southern half of the Gillespie Property and travels under Elm Lane via a 36 inch concrete pipe which empties into the Pooh's Corner marsh area. 

(We thank Mr. Garland Green for his photos above.)

On the east side of the Gillespie Property once the water in Four Mile Creek reached maximum capacity early during the rainstorm the water in Four Mile Creek started to flow backwards. Within just a few hours the water had pushed up the No. 11 fairway and over ran the clean pristine water of the small pond on the left side of the fairway. 

Above the view of the small pond on TPC Piper Glen No. 11 Fairway during the early fall. This pond is a frequent "fishing hole" for Heron, Egrets and our Eagles Glen and Piper. (Photos Courtesy of Steve and Carol)



Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to take photos. My “Wellies” came in handy many a wet fall and spring, while taking photos of the wildlife!

Anonymous said...

This is amazing the amount of hard surface runoff we have with nowhere to go.