Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Action Item - Email Charlotte's Mayor, Council Members and Zoning Committee Members

We are again less than 30 days until Charlotte City Council meets to hear formal comments on the Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning Request.

It would be very helpful if we all email Council, Mayor Lyles and the Zoning Committee prior to that meeting.

Please let them know your objections to the Gillespie Rea Road Rezoning Petition in your own words or use the sample email below.

The updated list of Charlotte City Council Members:












Charlotte Mayor


Zoning Committee Members

Douglas Welton, Chairperson - douglas_welton@einsteinslegacy.com

Terry Lansdell - lansdell.tl@gmail.com

Shana Neeley - shneeley@yahoo.com

Will Russell - russellclt704@gmail.com

Clayton Sealey - cltdevelopment1775@gmail.com

Rebekah Whilden - rebekah.whilden@gmail.com

Mayor and City Council Rezoning Sample Letter:

Subject: Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning RZP 2022-121

Council Member:

More than 18,000 people have signed a petition in opposition to this rezoning request.

We in south Charlotte are all very aware of the need for additional housing as Charlotte grows. However, this project offers nothing in the way of affordable or work force housing and does nothing to correct the limited supply of homes (new or existing) on the market. Because it is being developed as "luxury rental apartments".

• Charlotte’s population and traffic has grown dramatically during the last decade as have the demands for City/County Services. Unfortunately, the ability to provide these services has not kept pace with the growth. In short this area of Charlotte does not have the infrastructure to accommodate 640 additional rental units and the resulting traffic as well as unforeseen costs to the city and taxpayers.

• Charlotte property owners have the reasonable expectation that the continuity of their neighborhoods will remain unchanged, and that property zoned NA-1 single family detached (Formerly R-3) will remain zoned single family and not abruptly become a towering multifamily rental complex which is not in keeping with the character or continuity of the area.

• The wildlife in this area includes beavers, coyotes, an abundance of deer, racoons, opossums, hawks, owls large and small, and a nesting pair of American Bald Eagles who have adapted to the incursion of suburbia admirably. We as citizens have a duty to actively preserve, protect, and conserve our natural resources.

I urge you to VOTE NO on the Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning Request RZP 2022-121.


(Your Name)

(Your Address)

(Your Phone Number)


(Your Name)

(Your Address)

(Your Phone Number)

RK Investors Charlotte, LLC has requested to change the zoning from the current single family (R-3) zoning to accommodate the development of multi-family dwelling units,allowing for the construction of more than 640 rental units and towering five story apartment buildings. 

As you may know the 2040 Plan has designated this property as "Neighborhood 1" (Neighborhood 1 places are the lower density housing areas across Charlotte, where most of the city’s residents live, primarily in single-family or small multi-family homes or ADUs.and I feel it should remain as such and unchanged.

I encourage you to vote against the rezoning petition.


(Your Name)

(Your Address)

(Your Phone Number)


Anonymous said...

Sent to All

Anonymous said...

I'm sending to all via all my email addresses we need to load up their email servers.

Anonymous said...

Please please do not redone this beautiful area full of amazing wildlife let alone the additional traffic and over growing.
It seems South Charlotte is taking the brunt of Charlotte growth.
Can’t some other area be impacted?
Have any of u taking a tour of this amazing place. When u lose a natural area u lose so much.

Anonymous said...

We should carefully review the plan and what is offered. I for one am very concerned by a conversation I had with planning and another unnamed member of the neighborhood. If by right happens, I think I'll regret fighting this plan. I want a third option of nothing and if that really isn't an option, what are we getting?
I will tell you the City disagrees with your assessment Chip.

Anonymous said...

Hey 5:55 you know City Staff doesn't recommend the petition for approval? Right?
