Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Charlotte City Council Member Ed Driggs' Update on the Rea Road Gillespie Rezoning


NOV 7, 2023 — 

To all,

Following is an update on the status of rezoning petition 2022-121, the Gillespie property.

The first thing to note is that, acting on a strong recommendation from me, the petitioner does not intend to proceed to a Public Hearing before December at the earliest.  This will allow time for representatives of residents and me to find out if the petitioner is willing to offer a less controversial proposal and, if so, to determine how that final offer compares with what could happen by-right or as a result of a subsequent zoning proposal that Council might approve for the site. 

Meanwhile, the petition is currently under review by the City Planning Staff.  They will make a preliminary recommendation to Council indicating whether the proposal is consistent with our current ordinance and, in a separate determination, whether staff recommends that Council approve it.  That preliminary recommendation will be shared with Council prior to the Public Hearing.   

Fifteen days after the Public Hearing, the petition would be reviewed by the Zoning Committee, a panel of citizens appointed by Council to vet zoning petitions.  

The seven members of the Zoning Committee in turn would vote on whether they recommend the petition for Council approval.  The Planning staff would then finalize its recommendation prior to a final Council vote one month after the Public Hearing.  

It should be noted that this timeline is not mandatory, each step in this process can be delayed significantly based on whether staff are still working out issues or negotiations with residents are still underway.

The recommendations of staff and the Zoning Committee will have an impact on how much leverage residents and I have to cause the petition to be scaled back or withdrawn.  I have made clear to the petitioner that I do not support it in its current form.  I expect to be able to let you know how the Planning staff review turns out in the next week or two.

Ed Driggs

Charlotte City Council District 7

(704) 432-7077

From Rea Road Coalition:

You can find more information regarding our fight against the destruction of the Rea Road Gillespie Property and our nesting pair of bald eagles here:

We also encourage you so sign and share our petition, the url is super easy to remember:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't read this without sensing the overwhelming ego of someone who is such a self-absorbed narcissistic pile of human waste it is disgusting. And we elected this turd?

"acting on a strong recommendation from me"

"how much leverage ... I have to cause the petition to be scaled back or withdrawn."

"I have made clear to the petitioner"

"I do not support it in its current form."

"I expect to be able to let you know how the Planning staff review turns out ...."

Not once does he say the resident of district 7 or the taxpayers or the people I represent.