Friday, October 6, 2023

CMS Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Proposed Gillespie Project would Cost CMS $9,157,000.00

Part of the rezoning process requires the Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools input. 

Turns out CMS isn't exactly offering a glowing endorsement of the Rea Road Gillespie Project.

"Adequacy of existing school capacity in this area is a significant problem." - CMS

In fact CMS states the cost to absorb the expected number of students would come in at $9,157,000.00. Discounting the completion of both the North Community House High School and the Ardrey Kell Middle School and we are still well over capacity. 

Keep in mind a shiny new building does not a school make, you need teachers and staff, bus drivers and custodians. Aren't CMS teachers spread thin enough?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a massive shortage of teachers, substitutes, and bus drivers for CMS schools. Does anyone in a decision making position care about the public educators and children of mecklenburg county? This is irresponsible at best.