Sunday, September 17, 2023

Gillespie Property Rezoning Meeting Number 2

We have just received word of a Second Meeting regarding the Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning Request.

This meeting is in part because the last meeting exceeded the building's capacity (200+) and a number of concerned neighbors were turned away.

This Public Meeting Will Be Held NEXT WEEK:

Thursday September 28, 6:30 PM

St. Matthew Catholic Church 

New Life Center - Banquet Room

8015 Ballantyne Commons Parkway

Additional Details here:

A reminder, the developer has said they will destroy 70% of the trees on the last large untouched parcel of land inside the 485 Beltway.

Once again we encourage anyone who can to attend.

We continue to object to the rezoning and encourage Charlotte City Council to VOTE NO and:

  • Reject Increased Traffic
  • Prevent Overburdened Infrastructure
  • Preserve Our Greenway and Tree Canopy
  • Protect Our Bald Eagles and Wildlife

Please share our petition which is here: http://Change.Org/SavePiperGlen

PS> Yes there are triplets! Born the last week of May. 

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