Saturday, August 26, 2023

Your Thoughts

Rea Road Neighborhood Coalition seeks to give residents and taxpayers an amplified voice in local governance. We welcome photos, opinions, comments and letters from all.

Rezoning Notice Sign at the Gillespie Driveway on Elm Lane.

To Ed Driggs:

CMS has begun testing its bus routes for the upcoming school season. This means standstill traffic for commuters in the six neighborhoods that feed onto Elm from Endhaven as the buses weave between the two huge schools there. (Soon to be three!) Today is also garbage and recycling pickup day; more huge slow-moving trucks on these small residential roads.

Ed, you've already saddled us with the development at Elm & Endhaven, adding hundreds of more cars to our tiny streets there, with no additional infrastructure or road-widening plan in place.

And now to add hundreds more cars, destroying one of the last green spaces in south Charlotte, which will only further overwhelm Elm and Rea roads?

Anyone who thinks that they will get through this without a dangerous and disheartening amount of additional traffic is obviously someone who has never driven on twisty little two-lane Elm or Endhaven, or Rea, with its mistimed stop lights every 500 yards. And these developers made it plain in the meeting last week that that they have never even looked at these roads under these kinds of normal circumstances.

They need to go back to the drawing board. Accommodate additional cumulative traffic and safeguard the wildlife in this area, or else we will all suffer. The quest for density (voters?) will backfire when the people get frustrated and angry at the congestion and move away.

Please don't rubber stamp this, Ed.

As Mr Green said in the meeting: If this development were not approved, no one would miss it at all. Build somewhere else; build where you can reinforce the infrastructure to deal with a new influx.

Don't sacrifice this green space, Ed. There's no room for more here.


Anonymous said...

The writer is correct there is no reason to destroy this greenspace.

Anonymous said...

Ed is paid by the developers. Well known fact. Don't expect he'll do anything but for yes.

Anonymous said...

100% untrue. He worked to ensure that a big storage facility wouldn’t be placed right next to our Neighborhood on Rea Road.

Anonymous said...


Ed is owed by developers not storage operations. He doesn't have any reason to support a storage facility.

Russell Ranson, his father and Neil Kapadia all contributed to Ed's champaign. Others like Peter Pappas, Daniel Levine and Charlie Strickland all developers are on Ed's team. 70% of Ed's campaign finances come from contributions by developers and people in the real estate business.

The own his soul!

Anonymous said...

Yes they all getting something, but remember these folks are running again.

Anonymous said...

No one wants Ed's job but he's the poster child for term limits.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ed Driggs is a politician he can not be trusted. His comment that the developer "deserves his day in court" is BS. This developer needs to be shown the door with prejudice. Ed blames the 2040 plan but the 2040 plan is 100% against this sort of thing. Both under assigned density and under the tree canopy provisions.

Ed refused to promise a no vote. That is all you need to know about Ed.

This project should be a NO FULL STOP. Ed's approval of the high school, the other Rea Road projects and the Legacy Arboretum expansion should be enough even the dumbest taxpayers that Ed Driggs is a tool.

Anonymous said...

So is this still worth fighting for or is it a foregone conclusion that this will get approved? It seems like we are making our voices loud and clear about this but will it ultimately matter? How often does it happen that petitions like this get denied in Charlotte ? Seems like I remember a recent case in Weddington where a large condo development was denied.