Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Trees Charlotte's Best Known Amenity

When I was just out of college and full of myself I took Charlotte's trees for granted. 

Just weeks after being hired by a large Wall Street investment firm I was asked to attend a week long conference in Los Angeles. Not a bad assignment, spend a week with investment gurus at the Beverly Hills Wilshire. Yet, after about 24 hours the novelty had worn off.

While LA was awesome, there was this nagging uneasiness. 

But it wasn't until my USAir flight was on the final approach into Charlotte that I realized why I had been homesick. 


Looking out across the wing of a 737 there were trees for as far as I could see, reaching all the way from Charlotte's Piedmont to the Mountains. 

LA for all the glitz and glamor, was void of real trees or any sort of "tree canopy".

RK Investments Charlotte, LLC and Russell Ranson want to turn the Gillespie Property in to LA, from this:

Into this:

This is RK Investments idea of a "tree save" at their Proximity NorthLake property off Reames Road in north Charlotte.

Tell Ed Driggs No Compromise! No to the Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning.

Sign and Share the petition:


Anonymous said...

Dang! That's Ugly.

Anonymous said...

I moved from Houston to the Carolinas and had the same experience. TREES!! Visitors always remark on the beauty of Charlotte because of our beautiful trees and vegetation. Truly a Queen city ... we don't want to be Houston or Atlanta!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for what you are doing Chip! I know it takes sacrifice and effort to spearhead this community coalition. If we are successful, we all in this part of Charlotte will benefit.

DP said...

That’s almost a complete strip. Terrible. We need these trees to offset traffic pollution.

Anonymous said...

So glad you think the same and speak up. Enough is enough for over development.

Anonymous said...

When we bought our home in Touchstone in 1996 it was because of the trees! They bring shade and beauty not to mention stopping soil erosion and air quality! I am really hopeful that this development will not happen. Our area will NOT be the better for it.

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely no need for these apartments.

The only benefit would be to the pockets of RK Investments Charlotte, LLC.

Surprise the members of RK Investment live in $2.5 million dollar homes in Foxcroft!

Neil Kapadia (Pomfret), Russell Ranson (Lemon Tree) and David Gillespie (Foxcroft Road) don't care because this nightmare in not in their backyard.

Greed just utter Greed.

Anonymous said...

That’s the same reason we moved to Piper Glen, the wonderful tree canopy and the green spaces. I remember the first time I drove down Rea Road in the summer and noticing how the tall trees kept the road so shaded and cool. I would hate to see all of that hacked away for some ridiculous apartments that don’t even fit in with the adjacent communities, much less the added amounts of traffic. I wish they could just add it to the greenway. Is that even possible at this point or is this a lost cause already??