Thursday, August 31, 2023

Rea Road Gillespie Rezoning Update No. 16

This was supposed to be a post Labor Day Weekend Update. 

But we could not wait to share a couple of great photos of our eagles before the long weekend.

Many thanks to Rod Firestone for the photo of one of the two juvenile American Bald Eagles born early this spring and "Glen" the dad perched nearby. The photo we understand was taken last weekend. (August 26-27).

Photo Courtesy of Rod Firestone 

This homecoming of sorts may be one of the last before this young eagle leaves the area to make his/her own way in the world. 

In years past the juveniles sometimes have left in early fall. In other years they hang around well into December before taking flight one cool morning to claim their own territory.

Photo Courtesy of Rob Firestone

Above the male "Glen" watching his offspring. 

Once on their own, young eagles may travel hundreds of miles before they find a suitable home. They may relocate often and will not find a mate until they are four or six years old.

But for now both juveniles seem to like the our Rea Road neighborhood.

Our resident proud parent Bald Eagles "Piper and Glen" have claimed the TPC at Piper Glen as their nesting site for more than a dozen years. 

Unfortunately their home is now under threat of destruction due to the proposed development of the Rea Road Gillespie Property that makes up nearly half of their territory. 

The 53 acre wooded site is currently zoned for only 45 single family homes, unfortunately a developer has requested the property be rezoned for a massive 640 unit apartment complex. 

The developer intends to destroy 70% of the tree canopy in order to build several 65 foot tall apartment buildings. Buildings that will be as close as 900 feet and in a direct line of flight from their nest to a pond they frequent on the Gillespie Property.

Our efforts to convince Charlotte City Council to VOTE NO on the rezoning of the Gillespie Property continue.

Please share our Petition with anyone who has not yet signed. We appreciate your continued support.


Anonymous said...

Great Photos

Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Pretty Poor Planning if you ask me. Are these politicians just that greedy? Stupid? Or Both?