Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Rea Road Gillespie Rezoning Update No. 15

Our Eagles Piper and Glen have been spotted daily this summer. Often near the Mitchell Pond across from the TPC Clubhouse and sometimes as far west as Carmel Road or as far east as Raintree. Still they return at dusk to the tall trees along the 11th Fairway that border Rea Road each evening. 

The two juveniles are less visible and are often mistaken for Turkey Vultures or rather large Hawks. Yet reports of sightings along the Four Mile Creek Greenway are nearly weekly. Both will continue to expand their range and by late fall will likely leave the area once and for all. 

The Triplets "Birdie, Par, and Bogey"

The deer population seems healthy, the triplets (pictured above) are late arrivals born the last week in June. They too make their home along the Four Mile Creek Greenway near the Gillespie property.

Opossums, Coyotes and Racoons are frequently spotted just before "hard dark" and Rabbits in the early light of summer's dawn. 

Our Rea Road neighborhoods are a thriving habitat of wonderful wildlife. 

We'd like to keep it that way.

The developer has stated that 70% of the forest these animals call home will be destroyed. That's 37 of the 53 acres targeted for destruction.

Thank you for signing our petition, our efforts to convince Charlotte City Council to VOTE NO on the rezoning of the Gillespie Property continue.

Please share our Petition with anyone who has not yet signed. We appreciate your continued support.


Anonymous said...

Don't look to Ed Driggs or Tariq Bokhari to vote against this they are two of the biggest recipients of developer money.

Anonymous said...

My question is what are the chances this re-zoning petition gets denied? How often does that happen in Charlotte? Are we doing all we can to resist this from happening?

Anonymous said...

Ed Driggs will want to "compromise" that's his thing.

He'll tell the HOAs they have no chance of stopping this project and the best they can hope for is a couple of bones tossed their way.

You can see that from the August 17th meeting. The developer is saying "We don't have to save but only 15% of the trees, we don't have to improve the intersections" etc.

Every HOA in Ed's district went with Ed's suggestion and lost big time. You'll notice that he keep blaming the democrats and the need for affordable housing. But he won't address trees, wildlife and nature because if he did his developer campaign contributions would dry up.

Best hope is that we all write emails and letters to Charlotte City Council. If they are flooded with Vote No emails they may just notice the plight of these eagles and the rest of the wildlife. If they buy into that the traffic and other arguments will fall in behind.