Monday, May 15, 2023

Carolina Raptor Center Notes on Piper Glen Eagles May 15th Update

We appreciate Bob with the Carolina Raptor Center sharing his "field notes" once again from his usual Monday visit.

The photo courtesy of Emilie Knight all rights are reserved. 

Hope you enjoy Bob's observations and commentary. 

We continue to work to protect wildlife in the Rea Road area and encourage Charlotte City Council to embrace smart growth protecting all wildlife. 



DATE OF VISIT: 05/15/2023

TIME OF VISIT:11:00 AM – 12:45 PM

WEATHER CONDITIONS: 72 F; wind 7mph ESE; mostly sunny

BAEA’s PRESENT: Yes; 2 eaglets & 2 mature BAEAs


Ugh! Another Monday tournament and a full parking lot. I slipped past the golfers and got out onto the dam. From the dam I sighted a BAEA perched in the favored tree across the reservoir ready to pluck a fish from the water. 

From the dam I spotted an eaglet in the nest. It was tearing at some food in the nest. I was amazed when I saw it try to swallow what looked like an entire squirrel, although it also looked like a string of sausages. I watched as it repeatedly threw its head back over a span of 5 minutes as it moved around the nest and tried to down its meal. When it finally got that down it immediately picked up what appeared to be a whole fish and again tried to force it down. It took a while and it then flew up above the nest and perched. There was no sight of the second eaglet in the nest. 

A BAEA appeared and flew loops around the nest tree vocalizing all the while. It then perched beyond the golf cart path. I moved to the lower level, careful to avoid the torrent of golf balls raining down on the driving range. I watched the nest from the area of the small pond where there was an unobstructed view of the nest. 

A second BAEA flew to the nest area with something in its talons. It perched above the nest and I could see the fish on the limb. It seemed to be trying to urge the eaglet to come for lunch.

Of course, this eaglet had just gorged itself and probably couldn’t fit anything else in its crop. 

Without a response from the eaglet it soon flew away. The mate then flew to the nest and there was lots of keening from the eaglet. I do believe that the parents were trying to urge this eaglet to flee the nest, but it wasn’t cooperating.

The BAEA then flew from the nest to the tree line along the creek. I walked beyond the golf cart path to look for the second eaglet, but had no luck. 

As I looked back toward the dam I spotted the second eaglet perched in the tallest tree along the creek. So, we now know that one eaglet has fledged and I would guess the second one has or is about to. Both BAEAs disappeared from my view. 

The two eaglets remained on their respective perches as I left the property.


Anonymous said...

What a great photo! And excellent news about the eaglets.

Anonymous said...

So glad to see a post this week and love reading about life in the nest. There seems to be utility activity going on along Elm Lane that raises my concerns. The "No! Rezoning" sign on Rea near the yellow Petition sign was clearly laid flat on the ground by someone...I'll stop by and reposition it soon. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!