Wednesday, April 19, 2023

CLTCC Ed Driggs: Update on the Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning

The following email was received from Charlotte City Council Member Ed Driggs this morning Wednesday April 19, 2023

 To all,

I have been advised that Charlotte planning staff, up to and including the Planning Director, have communicated their strong opposition to rezoning petition 2022-121 as submitted by RK Investments Charlotte LLC.  The staff position was based on many of the same concerns I had expressed in my first meeting with the petitioner, and which you have all communicated so clearly to me and the petitioner since then.  Staff made some suggestions for a dramatically different approach to development including a mix of housing types with minimal if any apartments.  They also suggested that the petitioner try harder to achieve some kind of alignment with residents before submitting any further proposals.  

I had indicated to you previously that I thought the staff analysis might serve as a wake up call for the petitioner and that residents should wait to see how that turns out before engaging in any further in opposition to this proposal.  Based on the staff response and my own clearly stated opposition, I can safely say there is no chance the petition will be approved in anything like its current form.  

There is no indication yet of how the petitioner intends to proceed based on the staff analysis.  Based on the large disparity between the current petition and the view staff and I have on what might be appropriate at that location, the time line leading up to any Council decision has now gotten longer, probably by several months at least.  

If any individual or group among you would like to discuss what solution might be workable at the site, I am happy to attend a meeting or talk on the phone.  

My cell number is (704) 574-7262.

Ed Driggs

Charlotte City Council District 7

(704) 432-7077


Anonymous said...

I don't trust Ed Driggs he looks, walks and talks like a weasel.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to Driggs Coffee just to see how inept he really is. Maybe I'll be impressed? I'll let you know.