Monday, March 13, 2023

Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning Update No. 5

Good Afternoon!

A huge thank you to everyone who came out to help with the “in-person” petition signing at the Four Mile Creek Greenway on Saturday. The weather was perfect and accordingly the visitors to the park non-stop!

During the 6-hour event, we collected 372 “in-person” signatures adding to the 7,000 online signatures already obtained.

Neighbors line up on Saturday March 11th to sign the 
VOTE NO Petition to Charlotte City Council

But beyond the added names and ink, we also dramatically increased awareness within the community and clearly had a positive impact on our effort to stop the rezoning of the Gillespie Rea Road Property.

During Saturday’s event I was really moved by a young woman who stopped to talk to volunteer Lisa Shaw. The woman, while listening about the proposed development and what was to become of the woods in front of her noticed a hawk perched silently in a nearby tree and watched as deer wandered into view just a few yards away. Then even as runners, bicyclists and walkers were passing by, this young woman broke down in tears.

A shocking number of visitors have no idea that the heart of the Four Mile Creek Greenway is about to developed into a massive apartment complex.

The moment when an avid runner stops, removes his Apple AirPods, and says, “say what?” followed by “where do I sign”, is pretty rewarding.

The Rea Road Neighborhood Coalition and members of the Piper Glen Community have extended an open invitation to Charlotte City Council to come out to Piper Glen, see our eagles, visit the Four Mile Creek Greenway, and see how much people enjoy the wildlife, the forest, and the wetlands.

We believe if they witness firsthand what this proposed project will destroy, they will be able to obtain a greater understanding of the area and why this project is a terrible idea.

In the coming weeks we will continue to work with experts involved with traffic, the environment, wildlife, and public safety to address our concerns and provide that input to Charlotte City Council and the Rezoning Committee.


Anonymous said...

Good Work! Saw your group out there when I was both coming and going and you had a line of people waiting to sign each time. Keep up the fight!

Anonymous said...

Nice Job Neighbors!

Anonymous said...

Where can I get petitions to have people in my neighborhood participate. This development will adversely impact the greenway, wildlife and our beautiful tree canopy. So pleased people are getting involved!!

Anonymous said...

To 11:38 PM just email an email to I'm sure Chip Starr will get right back to you with what you need. You can also point them towards this link:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Chip for the effort!

Amy Steinmetz said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunate that the developer had someone posting “counter protest” signs everywhere now a week later the rain soaked 8x10 sheets of paper litter the greenway and Trader Joe’s parking lot. That Russell Randon guy is pretty much a scum ball