Thursday, March 9, 2023

Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning Update No. 4

"Glen" stands watch over the nest as darkness falls"

 Congratulations Once Again!

Our Petition has now gained the support of 5,775 concerned citizens.

A wonderful group of supporters are planning to come out to the Four Mile Creek Greenway this Saturday March 11th from 9 until 3 to help spread the word about the rezoning threat and to collect even more signatures asking the Charlotte City Council to VOTE NO on the Gillespie Property Rezoning Request

The Rea Road Neighborhood Coalition website has a lot of information, photos and facts about traffic, infrastructure concerns, and our Bald Eagles "Piper and Glen" as well as a link to Minnesota's DNR Eagle Cam.

NEXTDOOR apparently at the request of the Developer has banned Chip Starr from posting further updates about our petition or the rezoning fight. So we are kindly asking anyone on NEXTDOOR to help spread the word and SAVE the Gillespie Property from being Rezoned and this amazing wildlife habitat from being destroyed. 

Once Again THANK YOU!


Anonymous said...

Quit Nextdoor if Star is not immediately
reinstated. Why have it if public opinion on this is overruled by a developer?

Anonymous said...

NextDoor is junk lost cats and someone didn't pick up their dog's poop.

Anonymous said...

I've emailed all Councilmembers got a canned reply which is ok from Bokhari and nothing from the ten others including Ed Driggs. Am I surprised? Yes I'm surprised.

Anonymous said...

Cool picture.

Anonymous said...

I got a very detailed update from Ed Driggs. I will try to post on Nextdoor. I am very disappointed in Nextdoor banning Chip Starr!

Anonymous said...

It would be really unfortunate if this property like so many others in Charlotte is destroyed by greedy developers. Someone needs to stop the madness.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately there were a few people that complained that it was too political on next door!! Really!! The sad thing is there are only 2 conservatives on the city council..

Anonymous said...

I hope you aren't counting on Ed Driggs to do anything he's totally useless. Just a mouse of a man and that's being unfair to mice.