Sunday, March 26, 2023

Opposing Views Correcting a Few Facts

The Rea Road Neighborhood Coalition is open to opposing views. 

However, some of the circulating mistruths about the Rea Road Gillespie Property rezoning request are really concerning:

Charlotte City Council Will Approve This Request Because The Democrats Have a Majority:

Ed Driggs excuse is that he is just one of two Republicans and democrats are committed to density housing. Mr. Driggs has repeatedly said "Developers have rights too".  Tariq Bokhari was doing is happy dance last week with the approval of the tear down of Trianon Condos to be replaced with a massive 11 story apartment tower and retail complex. Which means the if your home on Wickersham that you've owned for the last 20 years faced east the sun will rise no more. 

FACT: Ed Drigg's modus operandi is flawed and founded on the premise that developers negotiate in good faith. Nothing could be further from the truth. Presenting a project with a density that is 6 times that of any apartment complex in South Charlotte as your starting point is not a developer acting in good faith.

While Driggs is in an minority this is not a partisan issue. This is an infrastructure issue, a neighborhood quality of life issue and an environmental issue. 

If Charlotte approves this rezoning request it will have the needed votes because they don't listen or care to what the citizens say not because Ed Driggs is a republican.

The Eagles Don't Cross Rea Road or Visit the Gillespie Property

One local news reporter made it clear she'd been told the Bald Eagles, "Piper and Glen" never visit the Gillespie Property.

While conducting her on camera interview she relatedly asked, "Have you actually seen the Eagles visit the Gillespie property?" 

FACT: During the interview as if on cue, the male eagle "Glen" swooped over the reporter's head banked hard to the right gained a little bit of altitude crossed Rea Road and within a few seconds disappeared into the forested Gillespie property. 

A few minutes later he reemerged winging his way back across Rea Road holding a good-sized fish.

Yes. without any reservations this nesting pair frequents the Gillespie Property. It is as much their home as the Piper Glen golf course is.

The online petition is not representative of Charlotte.

Apparently, someone has claimed that the signers of the online petition are not from Charlotte but rather the global online community.

FACT: The petition has not been promoted outside of Charlotte. In fact, less than 1% of the signers are from outside the local area. Many of these are simply family or friends of Charlotte citizens. We are happy to allow media and elected officials examine the records for accuracy including name, dates, and locations. 

The Eagles Don't Live on the Gillespie Property their home is the Piper Glen Golf Course.

Odd thing about birds of prey they don't have addresses.

FACT: The Eagles have a "nest" on Piper Glen's golf course but their 'home" is an area that is nearly 3 miles across and includes all of the Gillespie Property. Once the eaglets fledge, they will only return to the nest off and on for a few weeks. The nesting pair Glen and Piper may return next January if undisturbed by the developer’s plans.

The Developer Will Save 40% of the Tree Canopy

FACT: There is absolutely no guarantee or enforcement process available to hold a developer to any promise of "saving trees". 

In this case the Developer's own plan simply states, "Possible Tree Save" and the reality is that like all development projects in Charlotte the trees are expendable. 

Developers will often promise to save trees then after wiping out all the tree canopy beg forgiveness, pay a small momentary fine and plant a few sapling trees as "replanted tree save" replacements as Russell Ranson has shown on the projects promotional material.

If you need proof look at Providence and Alexander Roads or Waverly. Given the scope of the project it is doubtful any trees will be saved.

The Development will extend the greenway.

FACT: The only extension of the greenway is a 75 foot pedestrian bridge that connects the proposed apartment complex to the Greenway. The developer has not indicated if access would be private or public, but they would need to comply with state and local design requirements if it was for the public. Additionally, liability insurance costs would likely be prohibitive to allow public access to private property. 

The developer's site plan illustrates an "extended" Greenway into the Piper Glen Golf Course area. This is an extension that would lead to nowhere even if built. According to Meck Park and Rec there are no funds or plans to extend the Greenway beyond Rea Road as shown on the builders presentation.

The Development will Provide Affordable Housing.

The developer has repeatedly described the property as "Luxury Apartments"

FACT: There is nothing contractual about offering affordable housing. 

The Property Will Provide More Nursing Care in South Charlotte. 

One thing South Charlotte does not lack is the number of assisted living care facilities. 

FACT: There are more than two dozen within 5 miles of the Rea Road Gillespie Property, including Matthews Glen, Cypress, Brookdale, The Post, Waltonwood, Legacy and Southminister.

Traffic Increase will be minimal: According to Charlotte DOT if the property is developed as a "Senior Adult (Age 55+) property and nursing care center the traffic count will increase by 4,900 vehicle movements daily.  (We can assume perhaps double that if just an apartment complex).

Based on NC DOT Traffic counts there are currently 26,000 vehicle movements daily on this section of Rea Road. Adding the projected count of 4,900 and the tracffice count increases to more that 30,000 daily. That is a 20% increase, and hardly minimal. 


Anonymous said...

Had to laugh at that Ranson guy telling WFAE the traffic impact would be minimal.

Anonymous said...

These developers are all liars.

Anonymous said...

I have heard much of the same misinformation and same we need more affordable housing. So why is Charlotte City Council hell bent on destroying "The Wedge"? They are publically and deliberately trying to make Charlotte's safest most desirable to live in area just like the rest of Charlotte turning it into the "hood"! What is wrong with these people?

Anonymous said...

We can't have anything nice is South Charlotte that would be racist!