Wednesday, March 8, 2023

In Case You Missed It Ed Driggs Email Regarding the Gillespie Rezoning Request Tuesday March 7, 2023 at 8:05 PM


Driggs, Edmund 
Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 8:05 PM
To: Edmund Driggs <>

To all, 


This message will report on the current status of rezoning petition 2022-121, the Gillespie property south of Trader Joe’s.  I am sending it to everyone that has written to me as well as to all steering group members.  Please feel free to circulate it to others and encourage them write to me if they want to be on the list for future updates. 

The petition to develop the 50-acre Gillespie property with 1,100 residential units and other features is currently being evaluated by City Planning staff and other departments.  When that assessment is done, the staff will communicate their opinion to the petitioner and indicate whether they are prepared to support Council approval.  

That opinion will be a critical step in the rezoning process, as it will establish a reference for City Council and for discussion between the petitioners and residents.  The preliminary indication I have received from staff is that they have serious concerns about the petition as submitted. 

As it stands right now, it is inconceivable to me that the petition could be ready for a public hearing in April.  In addition to the ongoing staff work, the petitioner has not yet provided a traffic study or set a date for a community meeting.  The next date after April a hearing might take place is May 15. 

My advice to everyone right now is to wait before engaging further with the petitioner until the staff analysis is complete, to see what changes might be made.  I have made it clear ever since first hearing about this petition months ago that, for all of the reasons you have communicated to me in your emails and in the petition, I do not feel it fits at the proposed location or aligns with our current land-use policy, and I will oppose it in its current form. 

I will send out further updates as events unfold and will attend any meeting the petitioner may convene or residents may request. 

Ed Driggs

Charlotte City Council District 7

(704) 432-7077

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ed Drigg is a POS the man has never seen a rezoning petition he didn't like. Just watch how he sells out his own neighbors and gets this madness approved.