Saturday, March 18, 2023

Rea Road Widening and Why Rezoning the Gillespie Property is a Terrible Idea

If you think traffic on Rea Road is bad now just wait.

Traffic on Rea Road at Pineville - Matthews waits in line for the traffic signal to cycle

If you have recently sat in the line and watched the traffic signal at Rea Road and Pineville - Matthews cycle three or four times we feel your pain.

When Charlotte City Council approved the Rezoning for the Waverly Development on Providence Road they failed to understand the consequences that the sprawling development would have on Rea Road traffic within the Piper Glen community less than 4 miles away. 

A distance of less than 1/2 mile would have connected Ardrey Kell with Tilly Morris

Once the property was rezoned and with no teeth in the zoning agreement, developers scraped the plans for Ardrey Kell to connect with Tilley Morris electing to build a massive apartment complex where the road was to be located instead. 

Ardrey Kell Dead End Looking East

Ardrey Kell Dead End Looking West

Never mind that the NCDOT had already commited to build the traffic roundabout less than a mile east to connect Ardrey Kell to Tilly Morris.

Million dollar roundabout that is Tilly Morris and Ardrey Kell  

Today eight years later, with plans to build the South Mecklenburg County Circumferential Parkway in the trash, Waverly has become a massive choke point on Providence Road with notorious traffic backups and a crazy amount of motor vehicle accidents.

And the now completed Tilly Morris roundabout is nothing more than a splendid monument to Charlotte City Council's incompetency.

The Providence Road log jam of stunning proportions has forced Charlotte bound traffic to utilize Rea Road instead of Providence. 

This has caused Charlotte to now propose widening Rea Road between 485 and Williams Pond at a cost of nearly $16 Million a combination of state and federal funding. (If you build it they will come).

To make matters worse the NCDOT plans to extend Rea Road past Providence to the east and have it connect with NC-84 bringing traffic from Wesley Chapel and Monroe.

This will funnel even more traffic on to Rea Road and into the Rea Road and Piper Glen Neighborhoods.

From The NCDOT: 

The N.C. Department of Transportation is proposing to extend Rea Road 1.7 miles east from N.C. 16 (Providence Road) to N.C. 84 (Weddington Road) near Twelve Mile Creek Road in Weddington. Proposed work also involves widening 2.7 miles of the existing N.C. 84 from two to four lanes from Twelve Mile Creek Road to Waxhaw-Indian Trail Road in Wesley Chapel.  

Proposed work would help improve the mobility and connectivity of N.C. 84 in Union County.

Currently, vehicles traveling west on N.C. 84 to Rea Road must follow an indirect route. Westbound traffic on N.C. 84 must turn left onto N.C. 16, travel approximately three-quarters of a mile and then turn right onto Rea Road. 

Without improvement, traffic volumes in 2035 are also expected to exceed capacity on N.C. 84 in the project area.

The NCDOT site plan is here

How Bad Can It Get?

Add all the above to the Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning Request with conservatively adding more than 4000 daily car movements (Could be as high as 8000 daily car movements) and you will have recipe for  infrastructure overload that we have never seen before.

What can you do to encourage Charlotte leaders choose Smart Growth? 

Sign the petition to STOP the Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning and even more high density development on Rea Road here.

Email, write and call Charlotte City Council members (all of them) with your concerns. Their email addresses and phone numbers are here

Plan to attend the next "IN PERSON" Petition signing at the Four Mile Greenway on Sunday March 26, 2023 from 9 until 3 asking Charlotte City Council to VOTE NO on the Rea Road Gillespie Property Rezoning. (Yes You Can Sign Both online and in person)

Encourage Mecklenburg County to continue exploring the possibility of making a The Gillespie Property a County Park or Forest Preserve.

Finally spread the word. We need more voices to help encourage Smart Growth in South Charlotte.


Anonymous said...

Well that sort of sums it up nicely. You can watch all the cars going east on BCP (McKee Road) at Providence and figure that out. Ten years ago Providence to Fairview to SouthPark would be quicker from Waxhaw but I get it avoid Waverly at all costs. Yep its just going to get worse.

Anonymous said...

Charlotte City Council takes stupid to an entirely new level.

Anonymous said...

Anyone have the link for the petition to stop the development?

Anonymous said...

This might work

It is also at the top of this page.

Anonymous said...

Waverly is a nightmare. But even East Blvd is insane. SouthPark they have all the apartment towers and they are 40 and 50 percent vacant. This is just crazy.

Anonymous said...

I'm a NO Dog sorry

Anonymous said...

City council quietly moves forward with doubling the length of their terms.

Anonymous said...

Ed Driggs is Charlotte developer's lap dog. You watch he'll fold like a lawn chair taking the first offer the this scumbag Ranson offers. I don't live in Charlotte but if I did I'd be raising hell. Enough of this bullshit.

Anonymous said...

So why is the BCP not four lanes all the way to Monroe Road? What is the point of having a four lane bridge over 485 if it is only two lanes on either side?