Monday, February 20, 2023

Ed Driggs On The Gillespie Rezoning Request

Ed Driggs Charlotte City Council Member and Piper Glen Resident posted with comment about an hour ago on Next Door:

This is City Council Member Ed Driggs.  I have made clear to the petitioner that I oppose this rezoning mainly but not only because of its excessive density.  

I did want to clarify the timeline for the process: there will be a Public Hearing no sooner than April, and the final Council vote will not occur until at least a month after that.  

During that time, staff will analyze the petition, including a traffic assessment, storm water engineering, public safety and numerous other factors.  

I have been in touch with the HOA steering group and will work with residents to ensure Council is aware of their concerns.  

Write to me at if you wish to be added to a mailing list I will use to send out updates.  

I am also willing to attend neighborhood meetings to explain the process and how you can make your voice heard.  

Approval of this petition is not a foregone conclusion, you can make a difference


Anonymous said...

So that's a NO vote?

Tara said...

Thank you for making yourself available at local meetings for more information. More importantly, thank you for your vote opposing this rezoning request.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever watched the government channel? Ed Drigg is about as useless as they come. Sure we have two republicans on city council and both are "owned" by developers. They just tell their money hungry developer buddies they have to vote no because it would look bad otherwise.

But it is not the vote that matters. And if Ed was doing his job this would never has gotten this far.

I hope someone steps up to primary him.

Anonymous said...

Driggs is saying this won't come up for a vote until much later but you have a "count down" clock that is pretty ominous? I hate to admit it but I think Driggs is lying.

Anonymous said...

He has a really bad habit of talking down into his lap and reading from notes. Add to that Braxton is pretty loud and direct. This is a lost cause.